I have been hanging out, seeing what's up and happenin', the past couple days. It's really good to see new and old faces!
I had a premature jump on my restart in mid-October, but now in the midst of some ongoing head-shrinking (or expanding?) and mood-enhancing drugs (whee!) I think I am ready to give this another go!
I was going to wait until the official start of the New Year, you know, get in with all the other thousands, or millions probably, that start a new lose-weight plan.
But then I thought, why wait?

I just got back from seeing friends in Maryland, and let me tell you, it is not easy to get up off an airbed on the floor gracefully at 220+ pounds! Hehehe! Or walk home with friends, uphill, carrying groceries. I seriously thought I was going to keel over... and I was trying very hard to hide the fact that I was doing Lamaze-style breathing to keep on trudging along...
Not exactly my shining moment. Plus my knees were killing me... I had to wear my "fat jeans" throughout, after one attempt at the slightly-less-fat jeans almost squeezed me in half.

Kvetch kvetch!
Some people might dig it, but not me. I realize some can be fat and fit too, but my body is making it very tough to get fit! I walk like a duck, or should I say waddle?


After plotting out my order, I placed it online tonight at TSFL. I got quite a bit left of everyday groceries, but I can bring them into work for a coworker's church foodbank. Why wait?
OK, so, Christmas is coming up. But really, that's just one single little day. One day is not going to blow my whole month. I can certainly do a Lean & Green that day, no biggie.

I look forward to rejoining you all soon as an Official MF'er!