Evening, Medifast folkies...

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Evening, Medifast folkies...

Postby BerkshireGrl » November 30th, 2005, 6:03 pm

How is everyone tonight? :wave:

I have been hanging out, seeing what's up and happenin', the past couple days. It's really good to see new and old faces!

I had a premature jump on my restart in mid-October, but now in the midst of some ongoing head-shrinking (or expanding?) and mood-enhancing drugs (whee!) I think I am ready to give this another go!

I was going to wait until the official start of the New Year, you know, get in with all the other thousands, or millions probably, that start a new lose-weight plan.

But then I thought, why wait? :D

I just got back from seeing friends in Maryland, and let me tell you, it is not easy to get up off an airbed on the floor gracefully at 220+ pounds! Hehehe! Or walk home with friends, uphill, carrying groceries. I seriously thought I was going to keel over... and I was trying very hard to hide the fact that I was doing Lamaze-style breathing to keep on trudging along...

Not exactly my shining moment. Plus my knees were killing me... I had to wear my "fat jeans" throughout, after one attempt at the slightly-less-fat jeans almost squeezed me in half.


Kvetch kvetch!

Some people might dig it, but not me. I realize some can be fat and fit too, but my body is making it very tough to get fit! I walk like a duck, or should I say waddle? :lol: Plus hauling around 220 some pounds is a workout in itself for me. I want this moving around business to get a lot easier! Not to mention easier on the joints, and the inside thighs of my jeans! I can't tell you how much I despise jeans wearing out first in the thighs before they even come close to getting faded! Ugh!

Sooooooo....... :bigidea:

After plotting out my order, I placed it online tonight at TSFL. I got quite a bit left of everyday groceries, but I can bring them into work for a coworker's church foodbank. Why wait?

OK, so, Christmas is coming up. But really, that's just one single little day. One day is not going to blow my whole month. I can certainly do a Lean & Green that day, no biggie. ;) Why spend December gaining more weight when instead I could lose some serious pounds!? Maybe 20+! Now that would make my New Year much brighter!

I look forward to rejoining you all soon as an Official MF'er! :cheers:
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Glad to see you back

Postby Jan » November 30th, 2005, 8:07 pm

Hi there,
It's good to see you back. Those extra pounds are no fun at all to "haul around". I've heard people say that they are "fit and fat" but that is very very difficult for me to believe. I think they are sort of like an accident waiting to happen. We all know extra pounds greatly increase our risk of getting many many malodies. Why not part with the pounds and do ourselves a great favor. :D We can't change our genetic makeup but we certainly can do something about the increased risks.
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Postby Gwenski » December 1st, 2005, 12:06 pm


I think it is awesome that you decided to start back now. Seriously, no hesitation and procrastination. What a great decision and holiday gift to you.

Congrats for being a smarty-pants who will soon be in smaller clothes. You will be running up that hill next visit and bouncing off the air matress with the grace of a tiny ballerina!

Welcome back!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Postby lauradr » December 1st, 2005, 1:30 pm

Welcome back and I think its great your starting now. hats off to you,
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby BerkshireGrl » December 1st, 2005, 4:16 pm

Thanks for the welcome back! :) :) :)

Guess what? My Medifast came TODAY! Can you believe it? I just ordered yesterday at 3 pm, and tonight, I came home, and I had it on my front porch... Whoa! That is some delivery service! Go FedEx! I wonder if that sonic boom I heard earlier was their truck ;)

So, tomorrow, 12/2, is my Restart Day!


:byebye: Bye bye, thighs that have their own zipcode! Batwing arms! Double chinitis! Back flab! 50" hips! (ACK!)

To the future..... and BEYOOOOOOOOND! :bounce:
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Postby Hyperion » December 2nd, 2005, 6:30 am


Don't give up... You retrying the plan is a sign of your motivation to lose all these pounds!! Having lost 26 pounds so far, I can tell you it's really great to have loose pants and shirts that are not squeezy.

I weigh each day because I find more motivation in it, and at least one day out of two, I lose a pound. The really marvelous feeling of waking up morning, getting on the scale, eyes semi-open, and seeing a pound gone forever!!!! :lol: :lol:
Began: 2005-11-03
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Went to 150, then began gym to build some muscle; currently 173.8! (Need to cut some fat)

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Hi BerkshireGrl

Postby Jill » December 2nd, 2005, 11:23 am

Hey BerkshireGrl!!!

I too just got back on track. My thought process being why gain 10lbs this month instead of losing 15lbs...I do funny Math, but that's a net of 25lbs.
I don't know if you remember us chatting back in early August, but you gave me some encouraging words after I went on HUGE DRUNK AND FOOD SPLURGE....I believe you said "carpe tiramisu" which had me rolling.
I have lost 60lbs so far, but that has been with a sketchy past couple of months at best. Glad to see you and let's kick butt!
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Postby Lady Bug » December 3rd, 2005, 3:31 pm

Well Hi my fellow MFster:

Welcome back :wave: .....we've missed you!! :(

I'm glad you are back with Medifast in hand!! :eat: This season will be a challange but we can do it. Last night at a Christmas gathering....yep, they have already started.....there was soooo many goodies offered, but I kept walking by and saying no.... cuz I'll hate myself in the morning and it worked. Now there is another "get together" (another name for eating) tonight, with 4 other couples but I will be just as strong.....becuz I know this is just starting and I've worked too hard to get where I am and I'm not going to blow it for some chocolate and other goodies. I've already made up my mind and I am determined. That's why I'm on this site right now and have planned my meal accordingly. It isn't easy but it is worth it.

Take care Sarah, and the best to you. You can do it this time.....

;) ,
"I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.”

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Postby BerkshireGrl » December 3rd, 2005, 8:05 pm

Day 2... another day down!

Gosh, I have a dorky confession to make. Nothing cheating-like, more like the opposite! :hammerhead: You'd think I had never tried this MF stuff before!

I was having a rough day: headaches alternating which eye they wanted to live behind, tired, grumpy, very hungry, huuuuuungry, stomach rumbling and colorful visions of forbidden foods dancing in my head.

Then I realized, it was 7 pm, and I had only had 3 out of my 6 MF meals!

No wonder I was practically drooling over the thought of my old standards!

I got up late, much later than I do on a workday (11 am rather than 6-7 am!), since I stayed up way too late last night reading... so I had my MF meals at 11:30, 2:30, and 6:30.

I squeezed in the remaining 3 afterwards... I am sure going to keep more on top of my scheduled 'feedings'! :lol:

I know this is definitely not the way to go about it, but I figured I should get in the calories as required ;)

It's funny, but I'm really not used to eating 'normally' - I had fallen into the habit of getting a fast-food breakfast if anything, maybe a frozen lunch squeezed in at my desk at work, but most of my bazillion calories I ate at night, zoned out on the couch in front of a movie or TV show.... this eating every 3 hours is going to have to be re-ingrained in my brain hehehe!

Looking forward to Roll Call tomorrow morning :)

Gwenski, I love the phrase "grace of a tiny ballerina" :D God willing!

Hyperion, I like your math! I totally agree, on MF before, I :heart: LOVED :heart: getting up and seeing what I had lost overnight. Most every day, it was a half pound or so! Cowabunga!

Jill, you are doing awesome. Yes, I remember your 'huge blowout' heh! You did the Epicureans proud that day! :buddies: Now you have lost 60 pounds!!! :yeah: You rock!

Evie, bravo on your steadfastness in front of the holiday temptations!! You are so right, it certainly is not easy, but the results are so worth the sacrifice!

All you losers are a huge inspiration to me... thank you! :rose:

May the scale become our friend more and more, with each passing day, and shake! :)
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