
Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)


Postby Trish » April 20th, 2004, 2:35 pm

I've only been on Medifast for 5 days and yesterday was the first day I didn't have a headach all day. My husband gets up at 5:45 every morning and then I get up at 7:00 to make sure my teenager gets up to go to school. Then I always go back to slep for a few hours. Yesterday, I had a hard time going back to sleep. Today, when the alarm went off at 5:45, I was wide awake and couldn't go back to sleep. All day I have had so much energy and feel as if I'm hyper or on drugs. Is this normal? It feels like my insides are racing. There's not anything bad in Medifast that should make you feel this way, is there? Hopefully, it is just a good side effect of eating better.

Also what do the 3 numbers at the bottom of the messages mean?
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Re: energy

Postby explorthis » April 20th, 2004, 3:02 pm

Trish wrote:There's not anything bad in Medifast that should make you feel this way, is there? Hopefully, it is just a good side effect of eating better

Hahahaha.. Welcome to the Medi-Caffeine shaker cup! Some experience what you are (like I did) and some do not. I was the one that once the CARP was out of my system, and the Medifast was in, all of a sudden had oodles and oodles of energy. I was (pre-Medifast) the one on the couch, after the 14 pound dinner, and the 1/2 gallon of ice cream that at 8:30pm was asleep on the couch. Viola Medifast came in. You said it perfectly... “There's not anything bad in Medifast” Oh so true, now there is nothing bad in your system “dragging” you down. Now even today, 4 months off of Medifast, and maintaining, up till almost midnight every night, and up at the crack of dawn, with nary a nap. I find it invigorating, for the first time in my life to have energy. Not the exercise type, but the mental type I was not used to… I sometimes find myself forcing sleep. Weekends are a blur, as I rarely sleep now.

Get used to it; hopefully it will not go away. I like this feeling. I can’t even remember the last time I yawned…

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby ackgrrl13 » April 20th, 2004, 4:07 pm

Today was my first day on the full fast. I have to tell you I'm a huge coffee drinker!! like a pot a day. At about 10:30 I started to get a caffeine headache and had a 12 oz cup w/ a timy bit of half and half and an equal, I usually take it light w/ sugar. I felt better after the coffee and by 1:00 I had this huge burst of energy. I couldn't sit still for the rest of the day.

Tonight I had to cook dinner for my family and had a piece of celery but I really don't feel any hunger. I have to remember this when I am starving in a few days. Maybe it's becuse I 've really put my mind to losing the weight.

I love coming to the boards, you are all so inspiring. Even when you're having a bad day or have to just vent it's helpful to me because I know I am not going thru this alone.

Happy shaking, see you on day 2 :lol:
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Postby Nancy » April 20th, 2004, 6:53 pm

Trish, Ackgrrl, Mikey, etc. ~

Yeahhhh, energy is something that you may not have felt for a very long time! There is absolutely NOTHING bad in Medifast only GOOD stuff in Medifood - it is a medical food that can be given to children! Some of the stuff that I took in the past could not ever be given to children, that’s for sure.

Have you seen that one commercial on the tube about a drug for weight loss - one of its side effects is that people can have uncontrollable oily anal blow-outs...

with Medifood, the only known side effects are healthier hearts and vascular systems, lower cholesterol, even blood sugar levels, lower BP, thinner bods, increased energy and outta this world self-esteem!

We changed our diets and we changed our lives, ;) eh Mikey?

During the first month or so I was so revved up that I rearranged all of the closets in the house! I was also lookin' for smaller sizes as the flab melted away!

Enjoy your increased energy - you'll amaze yourself at what you can accomplish now.

PS The 3 numbers mean a person's starting weight, their current weight and their goal weight.

Example: 258/190/175 means 258 is their starting weight/190 is their current weight/and 175 is their goal weight. Some folks have their starting date posted, too.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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