Today is day 8 for me on a full fast and I have a few things I'd like to say.
First and most importantly, I want to thank Mike (Explorthis) from the very bottom of my heart. Without him I would not be here celebrating my first week's victory. He took me from being scared and unsure of whether I could do this to strong, confident and determined. I have to say, I have never in my life EVER made it a week on a diet without cheating, and I made it this week! That is 100% completely because Mike has been there every single day, all day long, every time I ask for help he's there! My success is his glory, because it is happening because he cared.
Secondly, I want to thank Nancy, or LW as I fondly refer to her now. She has been so encouraging and kept me laughing through the pain all week and I couldn't have done it without her either. I feel so blessed to know both of you!
Since I started on a Friday, I'm making my first week a 9 day one at the suggestion of several people, Nancy and Sheryl included. That way I can do the normal Sunday weigh-in posts with everyone else. Keep your fingers crossed for me, I feel very confident that I'll hit 20 pounds in my first long week!
I hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll certainly be here to chat or offer support or whatever. I've really enjoyed this first week and look confidentally toward the future!
- Gerald