End of day THREE AND....

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End of day THREE AND....

Postby MusicalMomma » January 19th, 2006, 5:36 pm

I am about to rip somebody's head off!!!! :stickwack: I'm not hungry, I'm not craving anything really....I am just in the foulest mood I've been in in a LONG time!! :x Everyone at home is being nice to me and I still wanna run buckshot over the first thing that moves!!! :drive: Is this normal??? Please tell me this will pass and that tomorrow, day four, I will be sweet and happy again :help:
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Postby cydj21 » January 19th, 2006, 5:44 pm

Joyce, hello dear! :bighug:

I'm not sure if you saw my post from a couple of days ago....but day three was pretty rough for me too. :sadblue: I felt so overwhelmed, and sad, and :x irritable. Luckily I had no classes that day, and I spent the day cuddling with my pup, watching Isaac on the Style network, and made it through....but I think what you are feeling is very normal.

Keep the faith! You are doing awesome! Feel free to send me a PM if need be, but know that we are here for you and you can make it through!

Today is day five and I feel great!!! :mrgreen: I know you will soon too. :bouncie:
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Postby falisamarie » January 19th, 2006, 6:14 pm


The dear sweet Joyce is still there waiting to emerge :hug: You are doing so well :whoohoo: I know during the first three days I felt like this little guy--> :bahhumbug: so hang in there tomorrow is a brand new day!! :yes:

Call me if you need an ear to bend :secret:

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Postby MusicalMomma » January 19th, 2006, 6:23 pm

Thanks Cydj21 & Lisa :hug:

Thankfully I've stayed with the program....I think I'll just go to bed right after my last meal and hopefully the extra rest will birth a new Joyce along with the new day :D

You guys are great!!!


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Postby stelar » January 19th, 2006, 8:37 pm

Hi Joyce,
Man, i got to say, you're probably right, they're all dumb :x , they need to leave us alone! tee-hee, just thought you'd like some one to join you ;) . It'll get better, it always does. I've actually been really surprised that I haven't been grumpy, I usually am during the first few days of any diet (stupid bad word). At least we have these boards to come to. Keep looking for the success stories, I know they give me lot's of hope :D . It's going to be great! We're going to be wearing smaller clothes for this summer! Woo hoo!

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Postby MusicalMomma » January 20th, 2006, 7:39 am

Thank you Thank you Thank you Everyone!!!! It is SOOOO good to NOT be alone in all of this! I can't say my mood is any different today. Since starting medifast, I haven't been sleeping well. I rarely (almost never) have any trouble sleeping. I hope this is just a temporary side affect, for my poor husband and kids sake!!!! LOL
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Postby Hyperion » January 20th, 2006, 7:48 am


I too had trouble sleeping at first, but it lasted for roughly one week. After that, I discovered that I have much more energy than before and the "full king dinner" I used to eat at 7PM, being replaced with a light shake, gives me much more energy when it comes to time to sleep.

I usually have to say to myself "hey go to sleep now!" instead of "man i'm so tired, can you pull me into my bed?"...

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Postby Leslie36 » January 20th, 2006, 9:03 am

Just keep telling yourself, it's WORTH it. You will be feeling better in no time. I felt horrible the first 3 days too. I hope this will pass quickly for and you will do what I did and wake up feeling GREAT after the tired grumpy days!! :D
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