Emotional Eating

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Emotional Eating

Postby Jan » May 1st, 2006, 7:26 am

Most of you know that my loved little old Daddy just died this last week. I'm going to share with you a bit about "emotional eating". I understand it because I was a participant the last week. What did I go after?? Most likely the worst thing possible. For some reason I craved Mexican food. That's right -- the greeeezy cheesy stuff. Plus the chips of course too!!
Fortunately since I'm on maintenance I didn't end up spending the week in the bathroom. That's the only good thing. I did end up with my bottle of tums -- my stomach was killing me!!! And you know all that Mexican food didn't help one bit. I still felt just as bad -- most likely worse with my stomach problem. Food is only to fuel our bodies. It doesn't pat us on the back and tell us we'll make it. It doesn't give us a big hug. It doesn't pray for us. It in no way makes us feel any better. Making the wrong choices only makes things worse.
I'm back on program today -- drinking my hot chocolate. I try to share my experiences in the hopes that others can learn from them and avoid some pitfalls . And this was my experience from last week.
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Postby FORMOMMY » May 1st, 2006, 7:30 am

Thanks for sharing that Jan. What you had to go through last week was definitely an emotional eaters nightmare! I applaud that you have confessed this to us so that you can HELP us....that is just a true testament to the kind of person you are - WONDERFUL!

I am continuing to keep you in prayer during this difficult time. Thanks again for just being you!
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Postby Denise » May 1st, 2006, 8:14 am

Thanks Jan!
Sometimes we need to be reminded that we need to eat to live..not live to eat!

So sorry for your loss!

Thanks for sharing! :)
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Me too!

Postby Bling Bling » May 1st, 2006, 6:27 pm

Today was difficult for me, too, Jan. I have a sister who is quite ill and has a multitude of problems. As is often the case, things will get worse for her before they get better. So, I fell into my old coping skills of that "oxymoron" I read about on this forum: comfort food! I don't know if the scales will show a change and I am afraid to find out.

Truth is that it is up to me to stop the insanity and make an intelligent choice based on facts, not feelings. Food won't make anything better.

Thanks for your honesty. It helped me to face myself and move on. Let's do it!

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Postby Nova » May 1st, 2006, 7:44 pm

Thanks for the wonderful words, Jan. I was having a bad night tonight, and I too wanted my comfort food. I decided to look for inspiration here first, and your words are so true. Comfort food is the reason I'm where I'm at today, and it won't provide anything more than a fleeting pleasing taste. Tomorrow I'll be so happy with myself for sticking to the program, and I know that's worth far more than a piece of chocolate cake. Thanks!

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Postby Arklahoma » May 2nd, 2006, 3:30 am

Jan ~ Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us. Hope all is well with you.
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