Dear Tikigrl,
Good afternoon, and don't worry about the embarrassment factor. Remember we're all in this together, the same mfast boat! I too have expereinced significanty less 'elimination' on the digestive front, particularly when I do the full fast. I typically full fast with an occassional lean and green. Although I thought I was prepared for this medifast fact of life, it was still a bit of a surprise to realize how little action was going on with my BM's. I started to joke that I've had pet guinea pigs that eliminated more than I do on a full fast! Ha. Unlike many other mfasters, I have not used any fiber or laxative type product while I've been on Mfast. I've been on Mfast for almost 6 months and I feel fabulous..... I've not felt this great since my days as a marathon runner! (Yes, another lifetime ago...) I do drink plenty of water and I exercise (walk) about 2 to 3 times a week, for about 20 to 35 minutes at a time. Movement really helps keep my system 'moving' if you know what I mean!
The whole process has helped me realize how medifast is truly pure fuel for our systems, sort of like high octane for our bodies with very little "junk" to eliminate.
Hang in there. Keep drinking plenty of water and reading the boards. You will definitely find more info than you'll know what to do with.
Have a great day and keep shakin!
Diet Diva