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Re: Hi

Postby The Dude » April 29th, 2006, 8:04 pm

dede4wd wrote:Hi THE DUDE,

How'd you do? Making it through the first 3-4 days is the toughest, then that all goes away and I felt great!

Just checking in on you and adding my welcome!


I'm doing well, Thanks.

And thanks to everyone else for the welcome.

I've done pretty good. It's been a week and I'm down 7 #'s.

The headaches are gone, but I still find myself being hungry which as I said is strange since I'm eating much more often than I normally do. I try to eat every 2.5 - 3 hours, but a couple times I've gone to 4 hours because life was in the way.

I eat my first meal right when I get up (oatmeal) and just go from there. Tonight I had a chicken breast and a roasted asparagus recipe from here which was very simple and very good.

I also tried the chili for the first time today. I had put it off because I saw lots of grumbling about it, plus, dehydrated chili didn't seem like it would be that good. In reality it wasn't bad, maybe I've just eaten so much dehydrated backpacking food that I'm used to it.


Thanks again
Last edited by The Dude on April 30th, 2006, 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Dude
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Postby dede4wd » April 29th, 2006, 8:11 pm

Hey Dude,

Glad you made it through. Believe me, I totally understand "life" getting in the way! I find that I'm okay through 3-3 1/2 hours, but if I hit the 4 hour mark, I want to eat ANYTHING and everything in sight! I mean shoe soles start looking appetizing!

I also had the hungries through week 2. I just had the more filling snacks (celery, pickles) and I got through it okay. I know you won't believe it now, but I now have to set the alarm on my phone to remind myself to eat. If you know me, you would think that's terribly funny!

Glad you're doing okay and now you've got me hungry for asparagus!

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