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Postby eddieHouston » May 8th, 2005, 9:42 pm

I am gearing up to start my program tomorrow. My products came about 4 days ago and I am a bit nervous. Don't really know why! Was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on a few quick and easy lean and green meals. I am single, live alone and I should not have trouble refraining from the bad stuff. But Bonnie Wills, my advisor told me that someone used the McDonalds Chicken Caesar Salad for thier whole program as the Lean ands Green. What are some other easy, simple selections that I can make at home? Thanks and I will continue to post as I progress!! Have a great night everyone!
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Postby dlr2424 » May 9th, 2005, 5:31 am

..........Eddie..... :wavie: ..Welcome.....so glad you have joined us........... :yay: ........I'm not on the 5 & 1 so I can't be of to much help.....but I wish you much success on your journey and look forward to cheering you on to many victories.......... :cleader:

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Postby LeeannNH » May 9th, 2005, 7:05 am

hi eddie

i am new to this too (6th day) but i can tell you what i am doing that may help. i am avoiding restaurants for a while, until i get on track.

i use the george foreman grill and use mrs. dash seasonings (cajun is my favorite) and make 4 breasts at a time so that i can just warm them up if i am having a super busy week. also the foreman is great beacuse it is non-stick, you dont have to add any oil, and it is FAST, you can cook your fresh raw meats in less than 10 minutes.

i also buy those bags of salad mixtures in the produce section. the baby spinach is my favorite.

i hope this helps a little. good luck and dont be nervous! this board is wonderful, just vent your stresses here and you will be coolio!!

take care

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Postby armeewyf » May 9th, 2005, 8:22 am

Eddie--I am on the 5 and 1 also. I have been on for abt 4 1/2 weeks. I eat a lot of chicken and sometimes shrimp. I really don't like much fish. I have been trying to avoid meat-I allow myself once a week-I think it slows me down. But thats just me...maybe it doesn't do everyone that way. I eat brocolli, just boil it and put some spray butter on it. And I love green beans, but like the other Leeann, I stick to a lot of salad with FF dressing. I have had the salad you mentioned at McDonalds. I try not to eat out too. If you are near an applebees they have a grilled shrimp salad thats good. I usually don't eat it all and get FF dressing instead of what they offfer (its on the WW section). So if we go out to eat we usually go there. If my husband isn't here for dinner I do 6 MF products. Hope this helps! Lee Ann
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Postby bikipatra » May 9th, 2005, 9:56 am

My favorite lean and green is a salad with sliced deli turkey on it. Two cups of salad is actually quite a bit. Once I add the turkey this is a very filling lean and green meal.
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Postby EddieHoutsonTX » May 9th, 2005, 11:55 am

Thanks for the replies so far! Great ideas!
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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » May 9th, 2005, 1:48 pm

Hi Eddie,
I have been on the 5 and 1 for 7 months and have lost almost 100 pounds.
I usually have grilled chicken with either green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, or mushrooms steamed.
I have a vegetable steamer which is awesome and easy and I use a
spice called Spike that you can get in most health food stores to season
my veggies then add a some Molly Mcbutter on top (butter substitute)
I have a Hamilton Beach indoor grill which I like much better than my
George Forman I used to use. It cooks more evenly and is easier to clean.
I eat steak about once a week and fish or shrimp about once a week as well.
I love salads and eat those frequently as well and one of my favorite things is a grilled chicken salad on warm days.
I also will grill a couple of chicken breasts at once then store them in the fridge and re heat them, but I didn't do that until I was solidly on plan and losing so that I wasn't tempted to eat more than I should at one meal.
You may have more willpower than I did at the beginning :lol:
Just follow the plan and eat every 3 hours and drink lots of water and it will work for you as well!
Good Luck!
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Postby Mommy2girls » May 9th, 2005, 2:53 pm

Welcome! My first day was 4/13/05 (5&1 plan) and I was out and running around all day. I brought a bar with me, and a creamy chicken soup with me (great because you don't need anything other than hot water to mix it with) and my dinner was the McDonald's Chicken salad. Personally if I did McDonalds EVERY day it would start to get OLD!

You are right, since you are only looking out for yourself it should be easy to avoid contact with stuff you aren't supposed to have. I have to cook nightly for my family and I always just make sure that whatever is on the menu I can have for my lean & green.

I find that if I come home from the grocery store and clean and chop most of my veggies, that my salads take less time to prepare and taste better than "store" bought salads. I clean and chop celery, green onions, carrots, and whatever else will last a few days after chopping. You also might want to stock up on chicken breasts, salmon, or whatever else meat you enjoy and separate the package into single serving sizes and freeze them individually. That might help to making a lean & green for yourself.

Good luck!
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Postby Walks262 » May 9th, 2005, 3:01 pm

Welcome, Eddie!

Another suggestion: Pre-cooked, sliced chicken breasts available from Butterball (my favorite), Louis Rich and Perdue. These have been my staples. Very easy. I put them in a salad. Or, heated up in microwave and served with frozen veg. Or, heated up with sliced peppers and onions and a little salsa (in a pan with Pam) -- sort of a Fajita without the wrap and sour cream.

Deli chicken. Deli turkey. Also easy.

Good Luck! You will be glad you are here.

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Postby bikipatra » May 9th, 2005, 3:53 pm

I just wanted to mention that the newer George Foreman's copy the Hamilton Beach grill and have removable plates. I got one for Xmas and can't believe how much I use it. My vegan hubby loves his grilled portabello mushroom cap sandwiches.
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Postby Tk » May 9th, 2005, 4:20 pm

I love my Hamilton Beach grill. I like it better than the George Foreman. I don't even put my grill away because I use it every day!!
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Postby Diet Diva » May 9th, 2005, 8:03 pm


Here are a couple of things that I've found that help me save a bit of time when it comes to prepping my lean and green meals. And like others mentioned, I like to clean and chop my veggies ahead of time, too. By putting them in separate containers in the frig is makes it sort of like "salad bar style." It makes it easy to measure out what I'd like on my lean and green. Salads seem to be the majority of my plan. I also like to boil up the boneless/skinless chicken breats and then shred the meat. I then just stash it away and measure out what I need for my meal. It's quick and easy. I also enjoy small shrimp on my salads. My favorite veggies seem to be celery, cucumber, spinach and onions.

Just have fun playing around with your menu and you'll become a pro with the lean and green before too long.

Best wishes and congratulations on making the wonderful decision to medifast!

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Postby sister » May 9th, 2005, 8:25 pm

Hi Eddie and welcome!

You've already got alot of super ideas here. Thought I would share too...
I've been on 5 & 1 since January and needed to find a little variety from the salads and deli meats.
I do one skillet meals using the frozen skinless chicken breast. Put a little chicken broth (ff) in the pan and cook the chicken, season with crushed garlic, pepper, and a little Tony Chachare's - when it's almost done I add a little more broth and chopped veggies. Usually broccoli, cabbage, onion, and mushrooms, sometimes asparagus. From freezer to plate is less than 20 minutes! Also, I use the garden vegetable Egg Beaters once or twice a week and make a veggie omelet. Just pour 1/2 c in a nonstick skillet and while it's fluffling, add a little green onion, mushrooms and peppers. I put salsa on top and love it! Pace's original salsas do not have any sugar in the ingredient list.

There are ways to get by on the program eating out but it can be really hard too. You'll just have to see what works for you. Plus, fast food almost always has too much salt and lot of unknown ingredients.

Maybe you could precook yourself lean hamburger patties and keep them in ziplocs in the fridge.

Sorry this is long. I just know that 4 months of salads everyday would not have worked for me! I had to figure out a little variety.

Good luck! Sherri
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Re: First day tomorrow

Postby eddieHoustonTX » May 9th, 2005, 8:31 pm

eddieHouston wrote:I am gearing up to start my program tomorrow. My products came about 4 days ago and I am a bit nervous. Don't really know why! Was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on a few quick and easy lean and green meals. I am single, live alone and I should not have trouble refraining from the bad stuff. But Bonnie Wills, my advisor told me that someone used the McDonalds Chicken Caesar Salad for thier whole program as the Lean ands Green. What are some other easy, simple selections that I can make at home? Thanks and I will continue to post as I progress!! Have a great night everyone!

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Postby eddieHoustonTX » May 9th, 2005, 8:39 pm

I can't believe all of the replies that I got!! Thanks! I have made it through my first day and am about to go to sleep.

I started the day with Cinnamon Apple Oatmeal 730am, then had a Chocolate shake at 1030(I think these are the best flavor so far). Next came the chili at 130 but I put too much water into the bowl at work and I had a thinner soup like chili, which still was tasty! 430 brought a banana shake, not the best tasting flavor. Then on the way home (I have to drive 30 minutes) I had a caramel nut bar. That was my 5. I did do my 64 OZ water, but I probably drank more!

My first lean and green consisted of a 7.1 OZ envelope pack of Chicken Of the Sea Salmon with a pickle chopped up and a tbs. of pickle juice for flavor. Then I had a large bowl of salad (2 cups or so) with a TBS of FF italian. The salad had 3 cherry tomatos, 5 baby carrots and radishes. I was SO full after that meal, I was thinking that I had eaten too much. But I chatted with Bonnie tonight and she assured me I was ok!

Since I am a coffe fiend, I am having a cup of Gevalia Hazelnut with a packet of splenda.

Thanks again to all that replied. Have a great night from Houston, Texas!!! :mrgreen:
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