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Postby kmr » September 15th, 2006, 6:51 am

Way to go ebony! Keep up the great job. We can do this. I will be rooting for you. I am starting on day 3.
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Postby ebony868 » September 16th, 2006, 5:15 am

I didn't mean to have two. I'll find it and figure out how to delete it.

WOW I didn't even realize I'd only had 4 supplements for the last two days. That definately wasn't the intention. That means I was really bad yesterday because I only got three in. I fell asleep in the afternoon and didn't wake up until 7 pm, so ate dinner and went right back to sleep. I was absolutely exhasted.

Friday's menu
7:30 Shake
10:30 Oatmeal
1:30 Soup & Crackers
7:30 5 oz. Lamb w/vegetables
64 oz water

I woke up early this morning, pretty hungry and had my first shake at 6:30 am.

BTW I have a shake question. I pre-blend my 3 (now 4) shakes at the beginning of the day and put them in the fridge. I then just pour the 8 oz at meal time. Is that OK?
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Postby ebony868 » September 16th, 2006, 5:17 am

KMR. After today, if you're not already there, it really does get easier. These guys aren't pulling your leg. I've been missing a meal and didn't even realize it because I wasn't hungry!

Please let us know how you're doing.
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Postby kmr » September 16th, 2006, 5:44 am

Just starting day 4. No cheating for the first time ever, getting in all my water and then some. I weigh myself only once a day first thing in the morning. This morning I was down another pound for a total of 8 lbs. so far. The program really does work if you do it the way your supposed to. Once I get through the first week, then I think I'll be convinced that I can continue to do this. I feel fine. I think it's just sheer determination that this time I AM DOING THIS and not wanting to have to get through the first 3 days again. I'll let everyone know when I get to the point where I'm not even tempted at all by other food. I'm not there yet, but I have been able to control it without a problem. The problem will come in about another month when I start to get my severe PMS. I get uncontrollable sweet and salt cravings. I'll get through it though. I already know I will. I was thinking about all the extremely difficult things I've endured through out my life and succeeded at or made it through. If I can get through all that, controlling what food goes into my mouth is a "piece of cake" in comparison (no punt intended). If I can't even control what I eat, what do I have control of in my life? I have control of my own life. You only get one life and I want it to be a good one and it's up to me to make it a good one. I will keep you posted and you do the same. :D
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Postby ebony868 » September 16th, 2006, 7:39 pm

KMR I hope your Saturday was better than mine. It was a good day but I didn't exactly get all of my food in again.

6:30 Shake
9:30 Oatmeal
12:30 Chilli & Crackers
5:30 Chicken Breast and 2 hard boiled eggs
64 oz water
1 crystal light

Today was my god daughter's birthday party and I intended to be back home by 3:30, but of course I couldn't leave. Unfortunately, I really hadn't learned what to substitute, but now I see I should have had milk instead of the eggs. Flashback to another diet, I guess (One of the million I've been on).

My god daughter was beautiful. She's very spoiled though and I guess I don't make it any better. She turned 2 today, so I took her a beautiful plush teddy bear that she hugged the whole time and some clothes.

Hopefully I didn't do too much damage today. I will get right back to it tomorrow to hopefully correct any damage I've done.
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Postby kmr » September 17th, 2006, 5:32 am

ebony ,
I think you will be just fine. According to the schedule you posted, it doesn't look like you did anything to knock yourself out of ketosis. Being that I'm up every morning at 5:00 am no matter what day it is, last night I looked at the clock as I was still doing laundry at 9:00 pm and realized I didn't get my last supplement in yet, so I grabbed a RTD out of the fridge and chugged it down. You'll be fine! Keep up the good work.

addendum: Ebony...After I posted this I just realized you and I have almost the same amount of weight to lose at this point. Let's do this!
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Postby ebony868 » September 17th, 2006, 6:17 am

KMR: Thanks and yes, let's do it together. I appreciate the offer. Any support I can provide, simply let me know.

I have findly figured out what RTD is "Ready To Drink". I have to buy some RTDs after I pay off my first order. I hope to do so on Friday.

I have the powder which I now realize makes it a challenge, though not impossible, to get my meals in if I'm not near my blender at home or at work.

Thanks for your support. I really do appreciate it.
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Postby Prancer » September 17th, 2006, 6:27 am

Hey girl. I saw your question about the premixing shakes. I dont think that's a problem. As long as you are dividing it up evenly. Like if you mix 4 shakes and 32oz of water then have 8oz each meal. I like my shakes to settle a bit after mixing before I drink because it gets rid of the chalkiness. But then after I finish one and put the glass in the sink and it sits there for a bit there is this icky stuff at the bottom. It kind of grosses me out so I wonder what is in the bottom of yours after you let it sit in the fridge all day.

You are doing fine. It takes a while to get in the swing of things, you will be off and running in no time.

Here is another phrase for you:

Phil 4:13
I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.
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Postby ebony868 » September 17th, 2006, 7:45 am

Jenn P. First thanks for the added quote. I really need them when I start to lose focus on what is really important.

I usually premix, pour and stir (if that makes sense), in the morning. That way I know I'm getting all of my shakes in. I'm following the formula now, but got off track during the end of the week and started mixing 3 instead of 4 shakes.

Sharon, I think, caught me under nurishing. I found out why I started doing this though. I read something somewhere that said "a final shake if you need it". I usually have two meals and three shakes. I really hadn't been hungry so I had not been drinking #4, but I understand 800 calories may not be enough when I start exercising.

Haven't really found anything at the bottom of the blender yet and I've always ran water in the glass right after I finish drinking my 8 oz of delicious medifast shake!

Honey thanks for your support. It means an awful lot.

BTW I know you asked your Sister, but I just finished reading Get A Love Life: How to Have a Love Affair with God by Michelle McKinney-Hammond. It's about having a more effective prayer life, building faith, overcoming temptation and having healthy relationships. It's a quick read.

I'm now reading Loving the Body by Anthony Pinn and Dwight Hopkins. This is a little heady though, a much harder read. It's about Black Religious Studies and the Erotic.
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Newbie Needs Advice on Exercise

Postby ebony868 » September 17th, 2006, 8:29 am

I have a very sedentary job and would like to walk about 20 minutes at 3 MPH on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday during week two. Is that OK or do I need to wait until week 3?

I think this information is relevant to my question based on what I've read in the past: I'm averaging about 800 calories per day and am on the 5 and 1 plan. I've been losing an average of 1lbs per day my first week.
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Postby Prancer » September 17th, 2006, 9:19 am

I see Tim answered your question in the other forum. I personally found that 800 calories kind of stalled my losses. I was losing more when I was up to about 1000 calories.
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Postby ebony868 » September 17th, 2006, 1:27 pm


I'm going to increase my calorie intake. Thanks.

Since I'm leaving for evening service soon, thought I post my meals and do a little journaling today.

7:30 a.m. shake
10:30 a.m. shake
1:30 p.m. shake
4:30 p.m. bar
7:30 p.m. Have not yet decided, but will be compliant
10:30 p.m. shake
64 oz of water and 16 oz Crystal Light
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Postby ebony868 » September 17th, 2006, 1:39 pm

Sunday's emotions are mixed.

I'm thrilled to have lost 6lbs, but am starting to crave some sweet & salty foods. In addition to RTDs I may need to order some soy crisps. I've had a partial hysterectomy, but it doesn't stop PMS.

I know I shouldn't, but I wonder why others have lost more than me in the first week. I can't help but think is it something I'm doing wrong. I was taking in only 800 calories, but I'm adding a shake starting today.

I'm happy I was able to overcome some pretty strong temptations this week. Saturday my god daughter had my favorite birthday cake: chocolate with cream cheese icing. I even served the kids and didn't have a slice. My husband made the usual big Sunday breakfast, but I locked myself in the den and just had a shake. All of this was really difficult and I'm so afraid of falling off the wagon.

I was thinking of supplementing some exercise to take my mind off of food, but have been advised to wait until week 3. That means I will be posting, posting, posting and posting some more. Anytime I think about cheating I come out here so please be patient with me.

I sometimes wish I had more active support from dh. It's not that he's not encouraging, but I wish he would encourage me to keep up the good work or something. I told him I lost 6 lbs this morning and he said, oh that's good, but you never really ate much anyway. I don't know what I want from him, I guess I just have to continue to be my own motivation.

Then he never understands why I spend so much time on the computer. He doesn't get that it stops me from eating. I've told him, but he doesn't understand. This morning I was coming in the den just to spend time with him and he left out. I told him I was coming in to see him and he said, "no you weren't, you just wanted to get on the computer".

I don't know. Maybe I'll feel better after to church.....Not sure what this pity party is all about....maybe mourning food. Guess I should think about it some more before I commit to what today's emotions are all about.
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Postby kmr » September 17th, 2006, 2:32 pm

As far as reaching your weight loss goal with the M.F. plan....DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO AND KEEP GOING! Don't let anything detur you from making yourself healthy and happy. You deserve it!
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Postby Serendipity » September 17th, 2006, 4:31 pm


Hubby will get on board when he sees results. It took mine awhile, but now he's very encouraging.
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