eating out

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eating out

Postby medimama » August 27th, 2006, 11:06 am

I don't have time to read through ALL these pages right now, so if this is a repeat question - sorry!

I'm just wondering if any of y'all have suggestions for what to eat at restaurants or fast food? my friends & parents ate McD's salads nearly every day when they were on the program - it was their L&G, but I want to know if that is technically ok? I'm nearing the end of my 3rd week and am so happy with the program, I don't care for salads at home nearly as much as salads out!!! I'd love anyones suggestions on specific restaurants/fast food and what to eat at what places? thanks so much
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Postby alpha femme » August 27th, 2006, 11:35 am

the mcd's salads have added sugars, i believe-- the meats are not high quality at all and you don't get nearly enough. ideally, you won't eat there. i know subway is a better choice for salad, and you can actually have them weigh your meat.
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Postby dede4wd » August 27th, 2006, 1:11 pm

I eat out for my L & G almost every night of the week. I don't do McD's because of the sugar added on the salad and the chicken cooked in butter/fat, but that's just me.

I do the chicken & baby spinach salad at Subway ALL the time and the salads with chicken at all the major chains (Applebees, chilis, fridays, etc). I am losing just fine.

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Postby Prancer » August 27th, 2006, 1:52 pm

I was surprised at how much sodium was in the subway chicken. Other then that it is good. The McD salads seem gross to me, the quality is just poor. There portions are pre done in 2.5 ounce portions so you know what you are getting. Applebees has some good choices and most restuarants you can get grilled meat of some sort and side salads.
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Postby JeepGirl » August 27th, 2006, 1:56 pm

I would stay away from McD's in all ways possible!

We go out to eat often and I am always able to find my L&G. I normally have a small steak, grilled chicken or shrimp. I only eat broccili and always ask the items are not cooked in butter/oils.
Most resturants are more than happy to accomodate your wishes.
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tell me more!!!

Postby medimama » August 27th, 2006, 5:30 pm

this is wonderful insight so far, I actually like the McD's salads - but knowing this info may change my mind about those!!! but tell me some specifics y'all ... like EXACTLY what you order where? I like sonic salads too, but they probably have the same problems as the mcD's? maybe fast food is a bad option alltogether? ok, let me know - thanks
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Postby JeepGirl » August 27th, 2006, 6:57 pm

hmm I am not sure where you live but Chik-Fil-A is a great place for L&G's. The Chargrilled sandwich with no bread is a good choice as is their small salads.

Zaxbys has a good chargrilled chicken sandwich-no bread. And their salads are said to be good but are huge so I would get a half order.

I dont eat fast food much now.

Applebees has a few good choices..shrimp/steak kabobs/veggies.

Longhorn Steakhouse--Small steak/grilled shrimp/or lobster with steamed broccili/roasted veggies, or a small salad works good.

If you eat salads are are plenty of better choices than McD's but I am not a salad eater and I am sure others can shed light on that.

Everywhere we eat out I usually eat grilled chicken and broccili..hey it is working for me so I dont mind LOL
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Postby Lauren » August 28th, 2006, 2:21 pm

Hi, Medimama-

So, everyone has given you great advice thus far. Truth is, beyond the fact that McDs and the other fast food chains add sugar and other ingredients that won't work too well, they also will never give you enough lean protein to fulfill your 7 oz allowed. And why not get every last yummy bite?

Are you only interested in fast food joints? Because they're not ideal in terms of ingredients and serving size. I don't know where you live, but do you happen to have Saladworks near you? This is a chain (and there are many others), where you go in and "make your own" salad, and get to choose all the ingredients. They also do not generally give you 7 oz if you ask for just chicken or just tuna, so I generally get a whole bunch of veggies and then two proteins, like chicken and tuna, or chicken and tofu, or some such thing. Get yummy bulky veggies that will fill you up, like broccoli and cauliflower and cucumbers, etc. I bring my Walden Farms dressing packets with me, to top off the salads.

I live in the city, but I am trying think suburbs here, assuming that's where you are - if you go to a food court in the mall, ask for steamed chicken with mixed vegetables at the Chinese counter. I have never - no matter what Chinese restaurant I've ever been to - been refused steamed anything. I happen to love the food without any sauces, but if you can't resist, just get some low sodium soy, and use conservatively.

A general rule is that anything pre-processed (like cold cuts and such) will be higher in sodium, and often in sugar. So anytime you can get original, fresh whatever - be it your chicken/turkey/meat/veggies - it is a better bet than what comes pre-packaged.

In the 10 months I've been on MF, I have had every form of steamed or grilled chicken with vegetables/salad known to mankind. And you know what? I'm still not sick of it!

Good luck and enjoy!

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