Eating first thing in AM

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Eating first thing in AM

Postby nickieluv » August 14th, 2008, 8:56 am

Hi all -

Just wondering how important it is to eat within an hour of waking? I mean, relatively speaking, how important is it.

With the two girls I can seldom eat within an hour - it's usually within two hours. You're not supposed to have the bar first thing but that's all I have time to grab - so I haven't been eating right away because I know having a bar is not recommended. Would it better to eat the bar sooner, or am I OK waiting longer and having a different supplement?

Of course, today it's noon and I haven't eaten yet because I'm an idiot and I got caught up paying bills and making phone calls once I finally got the baby to sleep, then coming here. And now I have to make my older daughter lunch first so it'll be a while longer yet - hopefully the baby won't wake up before I can eat. But all that aside, on a normal day when I'm not being a moron (if there is such a day ;) ), what do you think about the bar thing?
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Postby CaribGirl » August 14th, 2008, 11:54 am

from what I have learned, it is best to eat within one hour of waking up to get your metabolism going. If you wait much longer than that, your metabolism is a bit sluggish all day. Can you mix a shake and just sip on it while you are doing other things? Sometimes I like having distractions while I'm "eating" because it not only makes my shake last longer, but I don't fall into the trap of eating too quickly and not feeling full.
Hope that helps!
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Postby nickieluv » August 14th, 2008, 12:02 pm

Thanks - I wasn't thinking of the metabolism thing, just the timing of the rest of the day, but you make a good point.

Can you let shakes sit? Maybe I could mix one the night before and then just grab it out of the fridge in the morning. The problem with mixing is my hands are full of baby first thing, and she's usually up at least two hours before she'll sleep. She's not quite old enough to enjoy the swing or bouncy seat yet. So grabbing a pre-mixed one would work, if they keep overnight.

Man, I miss my RTDs - they would just elminate this whole problem....
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Postby jayzoe » August 14th, 2008, 1:19 pm

Oooo, you've never pre mixed your shakes??? You must must must do this! I couldn't stand the shakes until I mixed them up and let them sit for quite a bit and overnight in the fridge makes them very thick and nummy... I have a Magic Blender, I mix them up at night and stick them in the fridge and give it a quick mix right before I eat it, perfect!!!

or I use one of the many muffin recipes and make them at night too after the kiddies are in bed, they make a great grab and go breakfast... I haaaaaaaate making things in the morning, I have enough trouble trying to get two kids ready without adding to the chaos! :lol:
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Postby nickieluv » August 14th, 2008, 5:46 pm

I will try pre-mixing tonight - we have a magic bullet, I'll use that.

I used to love making the oatmeal cookies, but our oven is broken so I can't do anything like that unless I go to my mom's and use her oven. You can imagine how much time I have to do that! We have to get it fixed but it has to wait until we have 200 dollars lying around doing nothing.... It's either that or buy a new one on credit and I hate the idea of doing that and racking up more debt (says the shopping queen - I could have bought two ovens for what I've spent in the last week, but that wouldn't have been nearly as much fun - just saying, I know how hypocritical I sound about racking up debt).

Thanks for the idea and I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!
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Postby Lauren » August 15th, 2008, 6:13 am

I just use my toaster oven to make the cookies - takes way less time to preheat, so I can just make one serving at a time without a whole process...
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