Today has been an absolute medifabulous day for me! I had the day off, finally. So, It was extremely easy for me to stay on plan today. It was great.
After I picked up my children from the sitters they immediately fell into the daily plan of suggesting we go to McDonalds for dinner. I was quick to shut that down and insist we go to a steakhouse instead. I ate a small sirloin steak and some grilled shrimp. Not exactly 4-5oz of meat, It was more like 8oz. I had balsamic vinegrette on my salad (no carrots) and cauliflower and broccoli for my side! I DID NOT EVEN SNATCH A FRENCH FRY from my childrens plates tonight! I am just tickled about that situation. It is so so so so hard for me while eating with the children. My three year old sat next to me devouring her carb filled plate and politely offered me some of her fries. Now, we have come a very long way together. You see, I would always grab some of their food and scarf it down like it was the last supper! I can still visualize their angry looks at me from stealing some of their food. And boy, could I snatch their food fast too! But tonight, I couldn't do it! I just could not eat her food! I have never been in the situation of them asking me if I wanted some of their food. I never gave them a chance to ask me before. I just took it! So, I have really learned some great things from this forum.. I will not finish their leftovers anymore!!!!
well, enough rambling for me..... Happy losing!
Think thin!