Has anyone thought how they are going to handle easter dinner? I will be having easter dinner at my boyfriends family. I am already the freak of the group because I am the only person who is overweight. Its really depressing being in a group of his family members and I am literally twice the size of all the women. If it was up to me, I wouldnt even go...but I have to the right thing and go.
I think about this alot. I haven't told my family that I'm losing weight because they will wait for me to fail.
On the other hand, if I eat too much, I'm gonna get really sick. So I think I'm either gonna take the job of watching my sister's baby while everyone eats, or just choosing foods that would make my L&G, and I'm not sure how that would work meat-wise because ham isn't on the list.
I am going to make a L&G friendly Chicken cordon bleu for Easter instead of the usual ham and use turkey ham and low fat cheese in it. Dip the breast in egg and roll in mashed MF crackers spray the top with ICBINB spray and bake. My whole meal is going to be MF friendly. Sugar free jello salad, gonna look up some jello recipe's to see if I can jazz it up a bit and still be compliant, diet ginger ale mixed with it or something. Green salad, Mashed cawliflower and a mixed veg roasted medly. I of course won't be eating all of this but if I want a taste of something won't be too much harm. This is my plan so I will let you all know how it turns out. Im sure it will be a few more calories and fat than a regular lean and green but I am going to try to make it as MF friendly as possible. If you are going elsewhere that could be hard. You can always offer to bring a dish, and make it MF friendly.
Friends are angels that lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly! Highest 289 MF 250/216/150 Restart 02/27/07
Yep Tonia is right you can have 5oz of ham just be sure to get some without fat on it. I personally had planned on staying home however my daughters boyfriends birthday is the Sat before so we are going out with him and his parents Easter Sunday so I will just follow the L&G guidelines which I would personally advice everyone to do. Think about how you will feel Monday if you stay compliant VS eating off program. This can be done.
Watch out for the Ham. I don't know how many other people have this problem but it makes me puff up so that I resemble one of those puffer fish!! I'm sure it's the salt.
I've found if I just sit and visit and push the food around on my plate - no one really even notices what I'm eating or not eating. I then just state how full I am and how wonderful everything was and dinners done jan