Down in the dumps

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Down in the dumps

Postby Coccabutter783 » August 3rd, 2005, 7:09 am

Hi guys... i've been on the diet for a little over a month - 3 weeks without cheating... and now i'm stalling - i've lost 18 pounds which made me feel great... but now I'm at that time of the month and I've gained 5 pounds...

Is this normal?? Its really getting discouring for me... I'm on a fixed schedule of time to lose weight and this "period weight gain" has me all nervous.

:x I'm even doing the complete plan... and I've been so diligent... Any words of advice or encouragement - I sure could use some...

My wedding dress isn't getting any closer to fitting if I can't drop this last 20lbs :(
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Postby kimalexrn » August 3rd, 2005, 7:34 am

Dont worry this is normal. 18 lbs in 3 weeks is FABULOUS. My wt loss tends to slow during myTOM also, not to worry. Continue being compliant, and the weight will once again start comming off. Sometimes we also hit plateaus which can drive one nuts, but this to shall pass. I had a 2 week plateau, it was driving me crazy, then it ended and the scale started going down once more. So hang in there, keep drinking your water, dont worry, everything will be alright.

:D :D


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Postby kimalexrn » August 3rd, 2005, 7:37 am

Coccabutter, just out of curiosity, when is the wedding?



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Postby sister » August 3rd, 2005, 8:12 am

Hi Coccobutter ~

Try not to get discouraged. You CAN get through this. Ask your health advisor about this but if after your TOM is over and the scales don't move, try adding an extra shake for a couple of days. Sometimes it will help get you over the hump then go back to your regular program. I think this has helped some people when they stall.
18 pounds is fantastic!!! Hang in there and trust the program. You will make it to your goal!
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Postby Coccabutter783 » August 3rd, 2005, 8:20 am

Thanks for the encouragement... When you said to add another shake to get off the plateau wouldn't that just add more calories to my day???

I'm so confused sometimes...

The wedding is Oct. 1

So i'm working really really hard...

its more vanity weight than anything... people are already telling me i look terrific... i just would really like to get those 15-20 pounds off...

whew... can't take another week of the scale stalling
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Postby sister » August 3rd, 2005, 8:31 am

A shake is only 90 calories. It is not going to hurt a thing. Sometimes our bodies get used to what we are doing and just need a little push. If you are sticking to the program - exactly as directed - and the scales are not moving, you might try it. Only for a day or 2 then go back to what you were doing. Be sure you get in a little extra water too. Just a thought, of course you decide what's best for you.
Keep on shakin' and be happy you are on your way to reaching your goal! Don't forget being stressed can slow you down too.
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Postby martha » August 3rd, 2005, 7:40 pm


Just got back on line but wanted to tell you CONGRATULATIONS on the up coming wedding..Sometimes the scale acts like it is stuck and about the time you are ready to throw in the towel it moves :mrgreen: Alot of different things can affect your weight loss but don't give up as this is normal .. Good luck this week..Martha
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Postby Jan » August 5th, 2005, 9:59 am

Hi There,
Don't worry I just checked the old calendar. Seven weeks left before Oct 1 -- lots of time to part with 15 pounds -- maybe even twenty -- I always tend to be really conservative. Better to have a happy surprise. Just stay compliant -- don't give up -- your body will give in and part with the pounds. Make sure you're drinking lot and lots of water. I didn't check to see where you live but maybe it's hot and you are really losing fat just retaining fluid. That happens too and all of a sudden the scale drops dramatically. Keep going you'll make it.
And, really enjoy your wedding on Oct 1 - brides have a lot to concern themselves about but your weight should be fine so don't let that be a worry!!
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