No, that's not my mood, that's my weight over the coming weeks and months. Okay, so I'm only on day 1.8, but a girl can dream can't she? That was my witty opener, now for the facts...
My name is Katherine (surprise!) & I'm 38 yrs old & approx 335 lbs. I say approx because my scale only goes to 299 & I have not been weighed at the doctor's since March. I have been overweight since I was 6 yrs old. Twice I have lost all my extra weight on the Weight Watchers program, but maintained my goal weight for all of 1 day both times. I've finally come to realize and accept that I do not, can cannot, eat "normally." At the beginning of this year I decided to talk to my doctor about my weight, something I've never done. I told her I was a compulsive overeater. She looked perplexed & asked what I meant by compulsive overeater. I gave her an example...when I wake up in the morning, all I can really think about is eating something sweet. Once I do, then I can get ready for work, think, etc. Her response, and brilliant suggestion, was, "Have you ever thought about just not eating it?" Wow, what a concept for a lifelong fattie! If I had thought of that 32 yrs ago, I'd be an olympic athlete married to Prince Yumyum! Her 2nd suggestion was that I begin taking an antidepressant, even though I am not depressed (sarcastic, yes...depressed, no). It just amazes me how little 99% of the medical community understands about the reality of food addiction, when obesity related illnesses are about to overtake smoking related illnesses in our country.
I guess my point is, this is the first place I have ever heard "You can't handle food," which is the TRUTH. My doctor can monitor my labs, but she will never understand, or for that matter, care, what I am up against. By the way, now that I have read it is actually part of the MF instructions to lick up any spilled shake powder off the countertop, I am 100% sure this is the plan for me.
So, here I am. Hi to everyone who reads this. All is going well & my motivation is high.
P.S. - The Oatmeal Raisin bars ROCK...and this from a anti-raisin activist.