down in 5 days

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down in 5 days

Postby Hotchick » November 28th, 2004, 8:25 am

Weighed this am...Down 8 lbs... :yes:

By next week should be part of the 10 lb club.... :cleader:

As I posted to JanTX..headaches are still a problem ... :cry:

But the success but far sweeter! ;)

Thin & healthy :hatch: here I come
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Postby LongWay2go » November 28th, 2004, 8:50 am


I got headaches initially too because of the sudden and dramatic loss of salt from my diet. If you drink bouillon (not the low salt variety) that will help a LOT! I had two cubes per day and that eliminated my headaches entirely. Thanks to Mike (explorthis) for providing me that information! My favorite is the Herb Ox brand. Beef is my favorite, followed by Chicken.

on hiatus until "Vic the Vac" goes away!

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Euphoria may result!
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Postby Hotchick » November 28th, 2004, 9:06 am

Spidey thanks for the support...
Keep up the great work....
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Postby LongWay2go » November 28th, 2004, 9:16 am

You're welcome! BTW, two cubes of bouillon only adds 10 calories to your diet so it should not affect your weight loss.

on hiatus until "Vic the Vac" goes away!

WARNING: Don't try this at home, kids...
Euphoria may result!
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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » November 28th, 2004, 11:29 am

Welcome hotchick! :wave:

What a great start! 8 pounds right out of the starting gate! This is not a race though as you well know. I resigned myself to however long it would take, and the weight came off so quick I'm still spinning. Keep up the excellent attitude and perseverence! :thumbsup:

Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
Jun lost 20#=175#
Jul lost 14#=161#
Aug lost 7#=154#
Sep lost 13#=141#
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Nov lost 4#=125#
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