dont find my 5 lbs lost !!

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dont find my 5 lbs lost !!

Postby Guest » May 16th, 2005, 5:37 am

:D wow.... " miss i cant budge a pound" finally dropped 5 lbs this week, 10 days on MF................ phew :yay: This week I plan to start working out again ..... for some reason , these 5 lbs feel like more !!! I wore a suit to work yesterday & my extra tire wasnt buldging over my belt !!! feeling good..... I've been reading all of these posts & this is great ! Thanks again for all the support Doreen
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Postby LessOfMe » May 17th, 2005, 7:35 am

I just popped in for a visit and saw your post. All I can say is that when the scales are at a standstill, just keep on shakin'. I have had that happen also and usually there is a loss just waiting down the road a couple of days, so don't get discouraged. It is just a little test as to your resolve to continue. Also, if I have decided to weigh myself too often I need to be able to accept slight fluctuations for water weight gain, etc. For me, I have found that more water drinking is usually the solution. I do have trouble with that. I have decided to make myself drink one glass of water before and one glass of water after each MF meal. Keep up the good work! This web site and the MF plan are the best thing happening these days in the weight loss/food management world. Nancy is awesome and is there for her MF participants as well as those who were on the plan before "meeting" her. Now that's commitment!
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