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Postby bikipatra » June 26th, 2007, 7:02 am

Congrats on starting the exercise program. I am still just walking and climbing stairs. I know I need a good sports bra and then I will add a little jogging. Back when it was still dark when I walked to Starbucks in the morning this winter, I would jog sometimes but hold my boobs the whole way. Good no one could see me!
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Postby queenielou » June 26th, 2007, 7:14 am

14 pounds in 3 weeks! Way to go, Donna! Hope you have fun on the treadmill today :)
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Postby holberry » June 26th, 2007, 7:19 am

Hey Donna, Donna :D
great work on the loss.
hey, youve got me thinking about the couch to 5. Ill start it too! If you dont mind!!?? These light evenings give way to good track time at the university. Im in with you :runner:
lets have fun today.
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Postby SuzyQ66 » June 26th, 2007, 7:18 pm

Hi Donna - great job on your weight loss. Exercise does help to lift your moods and to give you energy. I am just struggling with some weight gain that has accompanied it. I hope it releases soon. But I will continue on track.
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Postby DonnaS » June 27th, 2007, 7:10 am

Thanks everyone for stopping in and the encouragement on the exercise. My mom called yesterday and I ended up having to take her to Dallas then all the way back out to her house and didn't get home until 10:00 last night. Needless to say I wasn't able to get on the treadmill. I'll be walking today, Friday and maybe Saturday. Yesterday I didn't get in that last shake but I'm pretty sure that I had a little more protein than I should have had. Don't think I got in all the water either but overall for a day on the road I did okay.

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Postby holberry » June 27th, 2007, 7:27 am

Morning Donna,
So have you started the c to 5 yet?
I plan on today. Got to get the ipod charged up and the sneaks on.
Happy sweating.
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Postby holberry » June 27th, 2007, 8:00 am

will you let me know the download site. Sounds interesting.
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Postby DonnaS » June 27th, 2007, 8:10 am

The site is:

<edit>link approved - UT</edit>

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Postby holberry » June 28th, 2007, 8:10 am

Hi Donna,
I walked the track and it was great. Unfortunately my ipod went belly up :(
Thanks for the sight, Ill see if I can get the ipod fixed. My dh hates ipods, he says, because, my son's, my daughter's, and now mine have broke.All past warrenty.
see you at the track!
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Postby DonnaS » June 28th, 2007, 11:22 am

Well that's a bummer on the ipods Hols. Glad you made it to the track yesterday though.

I'm embarassed, and ashamed, to say that I only made it 7 minutes on my treadmill. I had no energy then my left heel started hurting, blah blah blah. I have a cracked spot on my heel because of a dry spot. (I'm bad about putting off pedicures and manicures since I live out in the country.) I told Queenie that I may have to work my way up to even doing the C25K. Guess I could try eating a bar right before I try to walk but I did have oatmeal an hour before. Don't know exactly what I'm going to do, maybe just get on the treadmill each day and walk as much as I have the energy to do so. I would have thought it would have been easy for me as I was walking 2 miles on the track a month earlier. I'm going to get back on the treadmill today and see what I can do.

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Postby Tawanda » June 28th, 2007, 1:27 pm

Donna, the site says to go slower if you need to (couch to 5K) so don't feel down about not having the same stamina that you did before MF. You are running your body on much less calories right now and your body may just need you to begin at a much lower pace than the pace your mind wants you to be doing.

You are doing excellent by sticking to program!
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Postby SuzyQ66 » June 28th, 2007, 1:27 pm

Hi Donna - I am really hard on my feet -especially if I have to break in a new pair of shoes - I end up with blisters etc. I have taken the Johnson & Johnson medical tape - I think they make some for sports, and I cut off strips and layer them - layer after later - giving me some cushion. That seems to help me with the pain. Just a suggestion. I hate when my feet hurt - makes exercising difficult.
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Postby DonnaS » June 29th, 2007, 2:16 pm

I'm definitely going to do the C25K but have decided to wait until after vacation. We are leaving Tuesday for the coast and will not be back until the 8th. This will also give me time to get myself prepared mentally for the exercise instead of just jumping in and deciding I'm going to do it. I was mentally prepared to start medifast and I think it has worked very well for me since I am being compliant. It really concerned me that I only lasted 7 minutes on the treadmill so I'm just going to take it slower as Tawanda pointed out.

Thanks for the suggestion with the medical tape Sue, it will come in handy.

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Postby Sojourner » June 29th, 2007, 8:31 pm

Hiya, Donna! :wave:

ONLY 7 minutes? You have nothing to be ashamed of, girlie!
Seven minutes is a great start! Of course, Mizz T is right about running on such reduced calories, so I am glad that you've decided to ease into the program a little more slowly - and I really hope that your feet don't continue to give you trouble.

I don't know if you've read much of my journal, but I have a really bad back and have had surgery on my left knee, so my athletic shoes are of utmost importance to me. I wear MBT shoes, and while they are quite pricey, and kind of weird-looking, I think they are worth every penny. My back is better than it's been in a long while (with the exception of a little "episode" a couple of months ago), my knee never hurts while I'm wearing them, nor is it sore after it was in regular athletic shoes. My feet are fully supported and I've never had one single foot problem while using these awesome shoes. There was no "break-in" period for them, either. They are called "physiological shoes," meaning that they have a positive effect on the whole body, something that I can absolutely confirm is more than just hype. I love them (could you tell?! ;) ) You can find out more about them on their website (www dot swissmasaius dot com).

Thank you, Donna, for checking up on me in my journal and for keeping my family in your prayers. I really appreciate it - a whole bunch!
I hope you have a wonderful time at the coast and that your mental preparation goes well!


Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby bikipatra » June 30th, 2007, 2:57 am

Sojourner wrote:Hiya, Donna!:wave:

I don't know if you've read much of my journal, but I have a really bad back and have had surgery on my left knee, so my athletic shoes are of utmost importance to me. I wear MBT shoes, and while they are quite pricey, and kind of weird-looking, I think they are worth every penny. My back is better than it's been in a long while (with the exception of a little "episode" a couple of months ago), my knee never hurts while I'm wearing them, nor is it sore after it was in regular athletic shoes. My feet are fully supported and I've never had one single foot problem while using these awesome shoes. There was no "break-in" period for them, either. They are called "physiological shoes," meaning that they have a positive effect on the whole body, something that I can absolutely confirm is more than just hype. I love them (could you tell?! ;) ) You can find out more about them on their website (www dot swissmasaius dot com).

I wear MBT's too and I agree they didn't need a break-in period. Right after buying them I went off to Hong Kong and walked 3 hours at a time in them and never had even the hint of foot pain or a blister. The only thing that makes me occasionally wear other shoes instead is that the out-of-balance feature that makes the shoes unique. Sometimes I just want a rest from it and even the DVD that comes with the shoes suggests switching out with other shoes until you get really used to walking in the MBT's. OOOPS, did I just scare you? A shoe that comes with a DVD? It is just very informative and reinforces the benefits of the shoes. I got mine on EBAY, and I believe the Soje did too, after trying them on at a Comfort Shoe store first for sizing.
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