Well - that thar was embarrassing.
I accidentally started a new topic instead of posting in my journal.
Well - I copied & pasted it here. Sigh.....
Okay - never mind - I just figured out the delete.
Today is day 6. It has felt sooooo long! LOL
I'm doing pretty good. I'm not having too much hunger, but I am still having cravings.
My heartburn is pretty bad, along with IBS discomfort.
I stay occupied most of the day with the usual things in my life. But, when those late afternoon and evening cravings hit...that's when I feel a bit ancy.
Overall, I just keep thinking about down the road and where I want to be...in June on my son's

...in August at the end of summer...in November at Thanksgiving...by January...the start of a New Year with a THIN me!
I keep thinking if all goes well, I could be at my half-way point by fall. That would be sooo AWESOME!
I had a doctors appointment today so I brought 2 shake packets with me along with my shake cup. I bought a couple cold diet drinks while I was out which kept me compliant. Man - what a pain driving past all those restaurants! Never knew my town had so many! LOL
My blood sugar is doing really well. I'm pre-diabetic/early diabetic or maybe not diabetic at all - still not sure. The point is I've been having my A1C checked every 3 months for the past year, and I prick my finger several times a day.
My morning blood sugar is in the low 90s and my bedtime sugar is in the mid-80s. So, they've both dropped another 10 points.

And, I'm not taking any herbal glucose supplements like I was before. It's all the MF-ing.
Hmmmm...what else....
Oh - my hair is drying out a bit, just like last time.
All in all, I'm not minding this so much. If I could get 100% over the cravings it would be wayyyyy okayyyyy.
Just wish I could fast-forward the clock and see the new me already!

But, I'll be so proud of myself when I get there knowing how hard I worked to do it. And, I know that will make me want to keep the weight off FOREVAH!!!!!!