I don't have a weight problem

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I don't have a weight problem

Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 2nd, 2006, 12:03 pm

I have an eating problem and weight is just a symptom. I have been lurking on this forum for a few days. You guys are amazing. So supportive and you are actually doing it. You are losing weight and getting healthy.

Here is my story. I'll make it short and to the point. I am 40# overweight. I have gained 18# in 2 years. I have been trying to lose weight for the last five years without success. In the past (before the last five years) I had been capabale of losing weight, (former yo-yo dieter). Ihave to admit, I can't say that diets I've tried don't work, (atkins, low-carb, low-fat, etc). I have to say I am not working the diet. I can't seem to stay on any plan longer than a week. Partly because I get discouraged real fast. The other reason is I am an emotional eater. Food is my comforter. I have been working two ful time jobs (one my own business) for the last 4.5 years. The food comes in handy when I am stressed either physically or emotionally. I have come to believe I also eat as entertainment. It's hard to do fun things if you are always working.

Anyway, I have been considering the MedFast way. I kinda think that the fact that I do not have to prepare many meals and/or think about what I need to eat may help. Not to mention the convenice. I just hate to spend more time and money on another failed attempt.

But you guys are sooo darn encouraging and Nancy sounds like she is there for folks.

I just may be joining your family.

Thanks for listening.

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Postby MusicalMomma » February 2nd, 2006, 12:12 pm

Hi Sonja!!! Welcome to the forum!!! Feel free to ask any questions. There is alway somone on here that can give you accurate and supportive information. I know what you mean about an eating problem vs. a weight problem. You are so right about that! Everyone deals with issues differently. It's just more apparent how 'we' deal with our issues because the weigh shows our coping mechanisms. I realized that I used food to deal with EVERY single emotion I every felt AND like you said, for entertainment too! I could NOT even think of a vacation without thinking of all the yummy food I'd be gorging on while away. Every bump in the road of life, I'd eat. Every celebration, I'd eat. Bored? Eat! Sad? Eat! Happy? Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat! Well, this plan is allowing me to deal with my emotions and issues rather than stuffing all my feelings with food. :) I can finally FEEL and it's wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. OK, I've rambled on long enough. It's great to have you here. If you join, I don't think you'll be sorry :)
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Postby DogMa » February 2nd, 2006, 12:14 pm

Welcome, Sonja. I, too, have had a lot of trouble losing weight the past few years. In my case, I stick to the diet just fine, but I don't see much in the way of results, and eventually I just give up.

That's the good thing about Medifast, and why I urge you to give it a try. It's not always easy to do, but you DO see results right away and they continue (even though in my case they've slowed down; it's still progress). Seeing results and having your clothes become loose so quickly is definitely great motivation to continue.

To be honest, when I started I didn't think I'd be able to stick with it. I thought I'd get bored with the foods or I wouldn't like any of them enough or it just wouldn't work for me. And in the beginning, there were quite a few Medi-foods I didn't like, but I saw results so quickly, I stuck with it. And pretty soon I'd found some foods I DID like, and it became easier to stay on the program.

Now it's second nature, and while I can't wait to reach maintenance and be able to occasionally enjoy some foods I've been missing, I can see myself eating this stuff at least part of the time for the rest of my life.

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Postby SueInSLO » February 2nd, 2006, 12:20 pm

Hi Sonja,

I too found comfort in food and it put 75 pounds on me. :oops: Did I feel better? That would be a BIG NO!!

This does work and you can do it. It's simple and it's satisfying. I can hardly believe I am down one complete size in clothes in just 3 weeks... It's great!! Especially the Lean & Green - 5 & 1 plan. MF has so many choices too, it's not just shakes.

Give it a shot, I bet you'll be thrilled you did. We're all here for you too!

Good Luck and let us know when you get started!
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Postby Ashes » February 2nd, 2006, 12:30 pm

I have an eating problem and weight is just a symptom.

I totally understand how you feel. I have, well had issues with eating. If you are at all considering MF, I'd say go for it! Honestly, I hardly ever think about junk food, or overeating, or any of that bad stuff now. MF helps because it takes all the thought out about food. You are forced to forget about it. Its working for me! This place is so supportive, hope you stick around!!

:hug: [/quote]

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You guys are sooo awesome

Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 2nd, 2006, 12:31 pm

I just posted my post and you are already giving me support. It's actually bring tears to my eyes. I really do want to be a part of this family of folks.

I am going to give it a try. I am going to order my products today. I live in Maryland so it shouldn't take to long to get my products.

SueInSLO: Congrats on losing a whole size in just three weeks that is amazing. I know how hard it is to accomplish that and you should be pround. You go girl.

MusicalMomma: Thanks for the welcome. I will definately need your support through my weight loss.

DogMa: Thanks for the welcome. You'll be at maintenance in no time according to what I've read on this site. You'll soon be able to enjoy some foods you THINK you are missing. I bet those foods won't be that appealing when you are able to add them back.
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Postby Ashes » February 2nd, 2006, 12:34 pm

These people here are truely amazing! I wouldn't have stuck it out through the first week without them! So happy that you are joining us in this journey!

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Postby SueInSLO » February 2nd, 2006, 12:43 pm

Yippee!! You're ordering and on the way with us. :cleader:

I'm so happy for you!

Keep us posted when your goodies arrive. Read the old posts too, it sure helped me.


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Postby Dayna » February 2nd, 2006, 1:14 pm

Welcome to the medi-family! When I ordered the program, my husband was pretty skeptical, and we agreed I'd give it a month and see. At the start of my second week, he agreed that this is a program I need to stick with! It works. I've found it easier than ever before to avoid cheating. I don't feel deprived (sanctioned hot chocolate! what could be better!). And, best of all, it's given me the space and freedom to step back from my eating habits and examine them honestly. I have been able to start changing those habits, not for a short time, but for life. Almost three weeks in, I've already noticed a marked decrease in the compulsion to put food (whatever is around) in my mouth. I can put the jar of pistachios away without having to THINK about not eating them. I can clean up the tortilla chips (husband's, not mine! :mrgreen: ) without having to THINK about not nibbling. I feel better and more in control than I have at any other time of my life. It's a wonderful feeling, and I highly recommend it. :D

This one works; it works quickly, it works healthfully, and it feels good. We're glad to have you onboard, and we look forward to watching you succeed!!

- Dayna
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Shake with us!

Postby Lizabette » February 2nd, 2006, 2:16 pm


Yippie, you're going to come aboard! Three weeks ago I felt the same as you and now I've lost 13 BIG pounds and at least one size.

My wonderful supportive husband keeps saying "I don't know how you can lose weight---you are eating all the time!" Well, it seems I am, but it is food I am supposed to be eating, so I don't get hungry. Of course, it takes about three days to get to that point, but after that, it's a cake walk! IF I stay 100%, that is. I am happy to say, that I have stayed 100% and have no intention of "playing around" with the program.

I have even been looking in the clothing catalogs for new digs, but I still have 40 plus pounds to go, so better wait just a while longer. The other thing is I have some nice smaller sizes in my own closet I can go shopping in that I have held on to...just in case.

Well now it is going to happen for me and for you. You'll find everyone just so ready to support you, and you can count on Nancy and the MMT team to be with you all the way.

Shake with us, Sonja,

[/quote] :dance: :dance:
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I too have an eating problem

Postby Blondie » February 2nd, 2006, 2:25 pm

Hi Sonja,
Welcome to the family...it really is a family...I am on 12 days now and it does work. 8 lbs down so far. I was on every diet you can imagine since I'll say, for 19 years now, everything, atkins, w.w. jenny craig, grapefruit, slim time, nutra system, la weigh loss, the doctor's version,..etc..it goes on and on and on...but you know, this is easy and fast and quick and you don't need to plan. You will absolutely see results. I am obessed with the scale so I have my own issues, but I am like you with the yo yo dieting and it must stop. I am actually seeing a therapist to change my mind habits of eating, because I don't want to go back to my old habits again after I get to my goal weight. Nancy, promises she'll help with that, She's the best, you have to talk to her. :D
Good luck and we are all here for you, I PROMISE! If you have any concerns or questions, please let me know or let ALL of us know, we will do this together. We are one big team :goteam:

You can do this!

Blondie :D
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Postby falisamarie » February 2nd, 2006, 3:37 pm


I read your first post and then your second and I am thrilled that you are going to "go for it" You will absolutely love the program the only thing better than the actual program is this forum where there are so many loving and caring people who are right there going along with you. We all have different amounts of weight to lose but no matter if you need to lose 20lbs or 150lbs it is a battle but it is a battle that Medifast will help you win and nothing compares with the feeling of finally winning out over food!!!

We are here for you

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Postby DogMa » February 2nd, 2006, 4:50 pm

Welcome to the family (and to a life without food as your main focus)! It sounds like you've already been reading through the older posts, so you should be in good shape once your products come.

Be prepared for a little hunger in the beginning, and maybe even some other problems from going into ketosis. Stock up on allowed snacks like pickles and celery, just in case. And feel free to ask any questions or post any problems you have; chances are good that SOMEone here has been through something similar.

And be sure to share your successes, too!

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Thanks to all

Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 2nd, 2006, 5:33 pm

for the warm welcome. I am already motivated.

Do you have any suggestions about starting with the 11 day special or the 4 week get 1 week value deal? The only issue I have with the 4 week deal is the 14 chillis and 7 ministrone soup ( I only eat poutry and fish). It's 21 meals (14 chilli and 7 minestrone soups). Should I order and trade or just give those meals away or go with the 11 day trail?

Thanks a bunch for your opinions.
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Postby falisamarie » February 2nd, 2006, 5:35 pm

The four weeks with one week free is definitley the way to go IMHO. I haven't noticed anyone having troubles trading the things they don't care for and it is an exceptional value!!!

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