Don't Get Me Wrong...An Expensive NSV

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there is a remedy

Postby Redhed028 » September 8th, 2006, 12:29 pm

I have always been a shopaholic. When I was a size 20-22, if I found something I liked and it fit, I bought it in every color. I have now found a cheaper way to shop. FIND A SKINNY FRIEND. :))

My very best friend who started the program at a size 14-16 is now down to a size 8. All the way through this I have been taking the clothes from her that have gotten too big and really have done very little shopping, other than in her closet. I am now an 11-12 so still have a little time in her closet.... :) Lucky for me she was a shopaholic too!!!!

Now that she is a size 8 (and I will be too in a couple of months), I call her some mornings and say, "Cindy I think you should go shopping, to which she replies, "why what do you need?" She is such a great friend that she actually goes, calls me and asks me if I think I would want whatever it is. lol

In addition, being a so-called "normal size" I do occasionally sneak and buy myself something, but I am able to buy things off of the sales racks for ridiculous prices. I found a pair of pants for $2 (summer close-out) bought 2 pairs. If they dont' fit in 2 weeks, who cares. They fit now!!! :)

So MEDIFAST can be really reasonable if you have a skinny friend. Go find one or find one to MAKE skinny.. :)

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