doing it right but at a standstill! :(

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doing it right but at a standstill! :(

Postby hollyhouse » February 18th, 2006, 8:21 am

Yesterday i thought i had an almost perfect eating day. but today no weightloss :( i am thinking maybe i need to do the full fast!?

coffee fat free sugar free hazelnut-splenda
Banana pudding

240z water

24oz water

Hazelnut fat free sugar fee latte

16 oz water

7oz chicken spinach chopped onions and tomatoes (only a teaspoon of onions and a teaspoon of tomatoes)Lemon juice
2 glasses diet cream soda

16 oz water

I feel like i ate to much!? wouldn't a full fast work better or faster?

:( no weight loss
<img border="0" src="">

This is my first goal
2nd goal is 130
then 120
then final 118
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Postby falisamarie » February 18th, 2006, 8:33 am


You had a wonderful day yesterday. Pat your self on the back and a huge hug from me :hug: I asked before I started if people lost more doing the full fast and what I was told was that there is really no difference. My first week I lost very little if any the first few days and then at the end of the week it all fell off. Remember that our weight fluctuates daily due to all sorts of factors. Just stick with it and the pounds will come off.

You are doing great

Lisa :heart:
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Postby JustLynda » February 18th, 2006, 8:34 am

Hey Holly,

I just started this morning, so I have no experience to pull from. However, I noticed that you had a latte...which is mostly milk. If I remember correctly from the Quick Start guide, we can have small amounts of skim milk with coffee, but I'm pretty sure a latte doesn't count as a small amount.

Also, I've been reading the forum for a couple of weeks, and it seems like you're having a hard time sticking to the guidelines. I hate to be a sourpuss right off the bat, but maybe you should review the Quick Start Guide? I know you can do this if you just stick to the diet the way it's written. Besides, I've heard a rumor that the Medifast Cappuccino is pretty good! Maybe you could try that next time instead of Starbucks. :)

And, I think we can all benefit by following the advice of the more experienced members and weigh in only once a week. I hate to see you being so hard on yourself so early!
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Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 18th, 2006, 9:05 am


I am a newbie but here is my 2 cents. First of all when did you start MF? When was the last time you weighed yourself from the time you feel you did not lose?

I believe our weight sometimes holds on and then we have a woosh. Plus our weight changes daily and can be affected by water weight, time of day we weigh ourselves. You may also lose inches that do not show up as weight. Actually inches are better meaning you are losing fat and not mucsle.

Hang in there you will soon write us to say you had a big woosh.

Also, like Lisa I understand the full fast doesn't result in much more weight loss. Hang in there with the 5&1 you'll do great. Just be consistant you will be at goal before you know. Stay off that nasty :x scale for a while.

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Postby mmob » February 18th, 2006, 10:34 am

Hi there -

Just adding my voice - I also didn't see amazing losses - however - I'm now two days away from the one month point and have lost 12.5 lbs. So I'm thinking that overall I am pretty darn happy!

I was away last week - caring for my father - and I didn't weigh myself - think I must have had a whoosh then - you will too - just be patient!! The diet you posted looks ok to me - I don't drink latte's so I don't know what if any affect they have though?


Started MF 1/23/06 at 204.5lbs

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Postby ljm498 » February 18th, 2006, 11:54 am

Hi Holly. Sorry to hear you are so frustrated. You've gotten great advice. One thing I can tell you is that you are not going to see a loss on the scale everyday. It's just not going to happen. Just know that if you stay compliant the weight will come off. Some weeks you will see nothing at all. Sometimes two in a row. But it works. I know it's hard being patient. I think we all know that! :lol: But hang in there Holly! You're doing great! Like the others have said, stay off of that scale!

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Ms. Holly

Postby Ginabobina1969 » February 18th, 2006, 12:20 pm

<Ginabobina-- on a stealth mission creeps in and finds Holly's scale, grabs it and zooms away> ;)

You can have it back at the end of the week! :D :lol:

Really hon, you need to put that scale away..weighing once a week is sufficient. I KNOW its hard but your gonna drive yourself crazy.:nutz: Try to refocus on something crafty, or maybe cleaning out that cubboard you've been meaning to clean out since forever..something, anything to keep you occupied. Follow the program and you WILL lose weight. No matter how fast ..or WILL come off.

Trust me when I say I understand wanting instant result/gratification. This is one arena just isn't going to happen that way. Make a committment to stay on the matter what that blasted scale sais and stick with it one day at a time...and you will succeed.

Don't get discouraged and don't be afraid to ask questions.:help: Being informed is very important. Your learning..we all are!:hug:

YOU CAN DO THIS! :cleader:

Previously...02/16/06 BMI-50 276/188
Restart....03/31/2008 -failed
Restart 03/26/09 280/267 Failed
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That scale

Postby Jan » February 18th, 2006, 7:15 pm

Hi Holly,
You have gotten wonderful advice. I've never been much of a fan of the scale. :x In fact I once stayed off the thing for three whole weeks. I've stated this once before and caused quite the frenzy on the forum :roll: .. Three whole weeks -- yup!! To be truthful it was because if I didn't see a loss I would have been tempted to throw the thing out the window. Weight loss is not linear. We stick right to program and sometimes it is sooooo frustrating because our body does not seem to cooperate. Really I think it is but we are retaining a little or a lot of fluid. When we are able to part with that (drinking lots of water helps) then we see the loss. Lots of things seem to "bump" us up a bit. Lack of sleep, too much exercise, hormones, and stress are a few. Plus some of us are really really sensitive where salt is concerned. It's the general trend that is important not the daily blips on the scale. Keep going --you'll do fine.
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