<Ginabobina-- on a stealth mission creeps in and finds Holly's scale, grabs it and zooms away>
You can have it back at the end of the week!
Really hon, you need to put that scale away..weighing once a week is sufficient. I KNOW its hard but your gonna drive yourself crazy.

Try to refocus on something crafty, or maybe cleaning out that cubboard you've been meaning to clean out since forever..something, anything to keep you occupied. Follow the program and you WILL lose weight. No matter how fast ..or slow..it WILL come off.
Trust me when I say I understand wanting instant result/gratification. This is one arena tho....it just isn't going to happen that way. Make a committment to stay on the program...no matter what that blasted scale sais and stick with it one day at a time...and you will succeed.
Don't get discouraged and don't be afraid to ask questions.

Being informed is very important. Your learning..we all are!:hug:

Previously...02/16/06 BMI-50 276/188
Restart....03/31/2008 -failed
Restart 03/26/09 280/267 Failed
Restart-Awaiting order. I cannot even bear to post my current weight...yet.