Doing Better

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Doing Better

Postby supermom » May 11th, 2006, 11:23 am

Hi ya'll. I just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers, phone calls and messages. It has helped more than you know. I just received a call from the director of our nursing program. I had given her some paperwork to fill out so that I could petition the state board of nursing and sit for my LVN boards. Then, I could work for a few months, and transition back into the Registered Nursing program and only have to repeat the critical care class and take a management class. Well, it seems as though I don't have enough clinical exposure hours to do that. Puzzles me. How can an LVN student who only goes to school for 2 semesters get more clinical exposure hours than I have gotten in 5 semesters? Oh well. Then, I got a call from the coordinator of the LVN program. She said that their lab time is calculated as clinical exposure hours. That makes up the diference. She has asked me to write her a letter asking to be admitted into the LVN program in the fall. She stated that I could take their 2 geriatric med surg classes and be eligible for licensure in December, which is when I would have been getting my RN license. Then, I can work for a few months and transition back in. It is a little longer road to take, but it is still an option. I am not too excited, as I still feel like I was somewhat discriminated against. You see, they have granted students a medical leave of absence in the past, but when my child was diagnosed with brain cancer and then 3 semesters later I gave birth to my third child 17 weeks early, it was not considered a medical emergency and I did not get the leave of absence. If I had gotten that same treatment, I would be eligible to repeat the critical care coarse in the fall and take the management course in the fall. Oh well. Choose your battles wisely. No matter how I dice it, they are still my instructors and I will still have to deal with them. I don't need to cut off my nose to spite my face. I am sure I could force them to allow me to repeat the coarse, but at what cost to my sanity. God is with me, and so are ya'll. I will survive. And, my kids will be happy to find that I can still use my "Mommy Magic" and help all the sick people. Thanks again.

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Postby Crystal » May 11th, 2006, 11:32 am


I just wanted to say that I am so glad that things are beginning to look up for you. Sometimes only God knows why we need to take the long road somewhere instead of the short one. Later, after we get there we can see why. I am just glad that you still have some options to pursue your dream. I hope you have a really great weekend. You definitely deserve it!
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Postby electra000 » May 11th, 2006, 11:45 am

:wave: Glad you're back Laurie !! Missed ya ! :wave:
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Postby FORMOMMY » May 11th, 2006, 11:53 am

THat is great Laurie. I ditto what Crystal said for sure. There is a reason you must go down this longer road but I for one will be anxious to see His wisdom in action - to see just exactly what the reason was and how it helped to glorify Him.

Also, a good thought on your part about not cutting off your nose to spite your face. After I read that I was also thinking what a good testimony you will have by keeping your composure and dealing with this in a Godly manner - and that is ultimately what it is all about.

Thanks for letting us know - you have been on my heart even though I haven't had a lot of time to post.
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Postby dede4wd » May 11th, 2006, 12:01 pm

One door closes, another opens...there is a reason you are on this path. The only thing I know is that you're moving forward. The past is the past and you'll get there. Sorry about what happened before, but I'm SO glad you're looking towards the future!

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Postby MusicalMomma » May 11th, 2006, 12:20 pm

I'm glad that this is not as closed of a case as you once thought. You seem very determined and I'm sure you'll get there :) Question, what is an LVN? My daughter is getting ready to take per LPN boards and was wondering what the difference is :)
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Postby supermom » May 11th, 2006, 6:13 pm

Yes, an LVN and an LPN are basically the same thing. They just don't get paid much here. That is why I wanted the RN license. But I am just going to be patient and ride it out.
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Postby sheila » May 11th, 2006, 8:23 pm

Hi Supermom Laurie. I want you to know that I just finished a 2 1/2 day fast, and prayed a special prayer for you while fasting. You are going to do great in all you do! I can tell just by looking at your pic that you are a super-sweet person, one who will also make an outstanding nurse!
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Postby Arklahoma » May 12th, 2006, 3:14 am

Laurie ~ So glad to see your post and that things are working out, to a degree. I'm so angry with your school, right now, that I could just bite nails in two! So it's probably a good thing that I'm not in Amarillo or I'd be picketing the school in front of the evening news guys.

I'm certain that you're handling this in the best way for you and your family, and I respect that. I know that this is the road less travelled, but you're on it for a reason, so put on a happy face and deal with everything that comes your way on a day-by-day basis.

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Postby falisamarie » May 12th, 2006, 5:36 am


I am so happy for you and I know that God has put you on this road for a reason. There is no telling who God will put in your path to help while you are on this road that you would not have encountered any other way. I know you will make a wonderful nurse and God knows how much good caring nurses are needed. I am soooo proud of you!

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