Oh Lord Robin! Why did I stop....a question I have been asking myself for years
But first, the extra calories....I was right at 1,500 calories on light days, 1,700 on heavy lifting days. According to my notes we added 100 extra calories every 3 weeks of lean protein until I felt I was holding my own. Again, the mind shift from "dieter" to "athlete" was key to me understanding and even justifying my lifestyle to myself to others around me. My body is simply a tool and a machine to live. Not a be all and end all in itself.
I turn 40 in about 3 weeks if that helps with the age
On the plus side, I have maintained much of my muscle mass because I have not dieted since then. I actually can still see my abs under my "covering". I am active (softball, biking, gardening) though, but have only lifted sporatically since then.
Why did I stop? Probably in short, put my self last again. We had a storm "isabel" which while not a "katrina" for most areas, in our small town was. We have a population of around 600 and we lost 63 buildings (thankfully no lives). We were boat accessible only for about 2 months and by the time I could get away, working out was not a priority, rebuilding was. Thankfully we did not lose our home, but it was flooded. Our home flooded again in an storm 10 months later. I was also charged with assisting in bringing about 70 condemned buildings back on line.
I thank God that I had lost the weight and was in great shape before that storm, or I don't beleive I would have made it through the physical part, let alone the mental part (Medifast and BFL make you VERY strong mentally). When all was said and done, in 2005, I really just think I was worn out mentally and did not have the will or focus to get it together. In hindsight, I was probably depressed but I hate to admit it, seems like a weakness.
So here I am, energized, wiser, and dedicated. I know it works, I have to take the time to just do it. I am thanking God yet again since I have found this forum of wise and insightful people to help. Last time, it was pretty much on my own and lonely. Guess I wrote a book again