by Lauren » June 26th, 2006, 10:00 am
Hey, Robin-
Do NOT get frustrated at the scale during this weightlifting process. I know you know all this intellectually, but let me just be another birdie whispering it to you...Not only does weightlifting build muscle mass which weighs more, we also totally retain fluids during that time, especially, as Vicky said, if you are sore. You know how we all agree that we tend to not lose as much during MF when we are injured? Same situation. Even though weightlifting is totally good for us, there are still minor injuries taking place and the body retains fluids and holds on to our nutrients in our meals to help "heal" the sore muscles. The amazing thing is how quickly your body will change its form from the lifting, you will see results pretty quickly, and I PROMISE that when you see more significant results, the numbers on the scale won't freak you out as much.
Again, I know you know all this, but sometimes we need to hear it from someone else!
You are doing so fantastic. Sorry I haven't been around more to praise your truly awesome success, I have not has much opportunity to chat on the forum, but just wanted you to know I think you are doing maahvelous!
From one MoT to another, high holidays this year will be a whole different ballgame!