by DogMa » May 2nd, 2011, 1:45 pm
Geez, it's been so long that I had to figure out my login again!
Hi, Katie. I'm doing OK, more or less. The pelvis took forever to heal, and just when I finally graduated from the treadmill to the track, I injured my heel. It's now three months later, and I was finally doing better (but never did get a good diagnosis) - joined a new running group and ran 5 miles the first time out with them. Then on Saturday, the people in pace group weren't going to be there so I ran on my own - and ran too fast, and ended up unable to walk the past couple of days. I'm hoping it's just a brief setback and I'll be back out there by Saturday, and I have a podiatrist appointment next week for a second opinion on the heel. I'm pretty sure it's another stress fracture; my ortho insists it's plantar fasciitis, even though it doesn't fit the symptoms at all (I should say my FORMER ortho; he refuses to even consider the possibility that it's something else).
Anyway, how are you doing?
Reached goal in August 2006
Added BodyBugg in May 2009
New ticker: 136.6/123.2/130