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Re: DogMa

Postby DogMa » May 19th, 2010, 5:22 am

I'll meet wherever, as long as it's a weekend. Which races are you looking at? I'll be out in California that weekend, and I can't find any races in the area. There's a big one in San Diego, but that's too far. Sigh.

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Re: DogMa

Postby DogMa » July 21st, 2010, 3:47 pm

Just thought I'd check in since it's been so long. I've put on a few pounds, but am still wearing the same size (although a few pairs of pants are getting a little tight). I'm definitely not happy about that, but balancing nutrition and running has been a struggle. And now I'm registered for my first half marathon (I know!), so I'm running even more, despite the heat. I'm increasing my calories to see if that helps, because I let them drop back down again the past few months. Hopefully I can work it out soon and get these pounds off (it's not a huge amount, but it's enough to have me concerned).

I wound up not meeting Kara at Too Hot to Handle, unfortunately. We were both there, but couldn't reach each other beforehand in the crowd. And then she wasn't feeling so good after the race because of the heat, so she left before we could meet up. Oh, well. (Hey, but guess who I've been seeing online lately! Bikipatra recently joined the other board I'm on. She's had some struggles, but seems to be doing better now.)

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Re: DogMa

Postby DogMa » August 22nd, 2010, 7:00 am

Just checking in. I have a stress fracture in my pelvis, and I'm not allowed to do any sort of physical activity (even non-weight-bearing) until the pain is gone. It's been three weeks so far, and I have probably three to five weeks left of this. I won't be able to do the Disney race, although I may try to walk it on crutches, and it's going to mess up my training for the half marathon in December (but hopefully I'll be able to do enough to at least finish). I'm planning on starting deep-water running as soon as I'm able; I thought it would be sooner than this, but it looks like I'll have to wait a few more weeks. Sigh.

Anyway, because I'm freaked out about gaining weight with all this inactivity (and because I'm battling some low-level depression because I can't run it off), I actually went ahead and ordered some MF foods. My plan is to do a four-and-two program for a bit, until I can start working out and burning calories again. I got some of the newer foods, so I hope they're good.

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Re: DogMa

Postby Tawanda » August 22nd, 2010, 10:16 am

Robin, the fracture sounds painful.....I hope it isn't!

Rotten on the not being able to run/exercise when you enjoy it so much. I'm 3 weeks post surgery (almost 3.5) and it is TIME for me to begin exercising. I need to do it for the mental lift it will give me, just as much as I need to do it to help me be healthier. Getting started, on everything, is the hardest part for me.

It is good to see an update from you! Hope your recuperation goes smoothly.
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Re: DogMa

Postby DogMa » August 22nd, 2010, 2:48 pm

Thankfully, my running buddies will make sure I'm back out there with them just as soon as I can be. They've been great about staying in touch and checking on me, and I'm going to the monthly group meetings while I'm out of commission. I figure when I can at least walk, I'll walk while they run, even if I have to do fewer miles than they do for a while.

It hurts when I put weight on it, which is hard not to do, given where it is. And I've been advised to avoid painkillers for the most part, because masking the pain makes me think I'm OK and can do more than I should. Sigh. So how are the pancakes and the brownies? I think those are the only new things I got. I considered the ice cream stuff, but it looked like it might just taste like frozen shake. I didn't even get any pudding this time, because as much as I used to like it, now all I remember is the soy taste.

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Re: DogMa

Postby katieb920 » August 23rd, 2010, 6:49 pm

Robin first off. I hope you are feeling better.

Pancakes are awesome. I add 1/8tsp of baking powder to fluff them up a little bit.

Nacho Cheese puffs Are one of my favorite meals

brownies are ok. but they are so tiny.

One of my new favorite food is the chocolate pudding but I make it into a shake. SO GOOD

Oh and also the peanut butter crunch bar is good.

I had the mint ice cream. It was ok. But you have to get a good blender to be able to shave the ice
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Re: DogMa

Postby DogMa » August 24th, 2010, 3:55 am

I didn't bother with any other bars, mostly because of the heat and because I remember them being overly sweet. I got a couple of the snack things to try, because those are new to me. I'll have to see how the brownies compare to NutriSystem. Those are small, too, but good, so hopefully these will be enough. And good to know, on the ice cream. My fridge makes crushed ice, and my Magic Bullet is pretty good with it, so that might work. If I order a second month, I'll give it a try. Although I'm hoping to be able to work out pretty hard again by then (although I'll probably still restricted to no-impact stuff), and be close to running again. Thanks, Katie!

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Re: DogMa

Postby DogMa » August 26th, 2010, 6:28 pm

Holy cow, that brownie was good! I hope this means the rest of the food has improved, too. It was about the same size as the NutriSystem brownie, but tasted even better. Wow. That alone will make my time of inactivity a little easier.

Although I'm going to try the pool running this weekend. I still hurt some, but not nearly as much, and I'm off the crutches.

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Re: DogMa

Postby oksoonergirl26 » September 5th, 2010, 1:25 pm

Hey! Hope you are feeling better, I know you are just frustrated beyond belief with your injury-I would be too. Glad to get some feedback on the pancakes, I like the brownies, but they are a little too small and I feel like I could eat two of them at once.
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Re: DogMa

Postby DogMa » September 11th, 2010, 4:39 am

Still here, and I'll be ordering another month. I've been cleared to ride the stationary bike ... with no resistance and for just 10 minutes a day. No water stuff yet (but maybe in a few weeks), and no walking or running until after I see the doc again in six weeks. So much for the half marathon. Even if I'm OK to start running or even walking at the next visit, that will only give me about six weeks to build up to 13 miles.

So far, so good on the modified program, though. I'm surprised at how well I'm doing with it.

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Re: DogMa

Postby katieb920 » September 11th, 2010, 6:13 am

Wow robin,

I hope you get better real soon. We need you as our exercise queen on here. What are you thinking of the new items from Medifast?
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Re: DogMa

Postby DogMa » September 11th, 2010, 6:19 am

Love the brownie and the pancakes (both even better than the Nutrisystem versions, I thought). I haven't tried the ice cream, but I'm going to get some with my next order. I also got the pretzels, which I like but I wouldn't really call them pretzels so much as breadsticks, and the cheese puffs. I don't love them, but they're convenient. I haven't tried anything else new, but the food is better than I remembered, so that was a nice discovery.

Lauren and OKSooner will have to take over as workout queens. It's going to be months before I can run, or even walk, again. It's already been six weeks. I'm trying to be grateful just to have the little bit of bike time. The past six weeks have been really, really hard, but I was starting to get really used to being a couch potato again.

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Re: DogMa

Postby katieb920 » December 7th, 2010, 6:05 pm

Hey robin,

Just chekcing in on you.. Are you up and running yet. Hope you have a wonderful holdiay
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Re: DogMa

Postby DogMa » December 17th, 2010, 9:02 am

Hi, Katie! Still not running, and my weight has gone up a bit more (which I can't explain; I'm eating well and only about 1,200 calories a day, and exercising as best I can for an hour a day). I'm working with an exercise physiologist (she runs the kinesiology lab at UT Arlington, where they train athletic trainers) to fix some biomechanical issues, and I have a follow-up MRI scheduled next week because she thinks I'm either not fully healed or have re-injured it. I can do almost anything except run right now, although if I walk TOO far, it starts acting up. But running is the worst, because I feel horrible, stabbing pain in my pelvis every time my foot hits the ground. :(

I wish I had better news to report.

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Re: DogMa

Postby ChynnaDoll » December 18th, 2010, 9:02 pm

Hi Robin! I was just reading your post and see you are recovering from something. I'm praying that you will continue to heal and get stornger each and everyday. I just asked Katie about the brownies & pancakes, and then just saw where you have actually had! I've tried the brownies but not the pancakes yet, however, i did order some pancakes this time and should be here in a few days...didn't know Medifast had ice cream?? I agree, the food is a bit better now:+)

I just started back on Nov. 12th, and have lost 14 pounds so you think that's too slow going?
Maybe i'll start doing some lite cardio...i'm not to much on exercising, but moving will probably help.

Ok Robin, will write again!
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