by DogMa » May 17th, 2010, 8:09 am
Thanks, guys, I'm so proud of me, too!
So here's the story: It was kind of hot when we started, and I just had no energy at all for some reason. I actually felt like I was going to pass out, but I thought I'd at least give it a shot and run a little, and then if I had to walk the whole thing, so be it. So off I went, and after about a block, I decided I actually felt OK and could keep going. I kept my music on, and skipped all fast songs so I could make sure to keep a nice, slow pace. I also changed all my self-talk; no more "Just run till that next intersection (or streetlight or tree or whatever) and then if you want to you can walk." Instead it was "Just get to the top of the hill (or past this sunny section) and then it will be easier/cooler, and you can keep going but get kind of a break." That got me the first couple of miles. And then, just as I was starting to wonder if I could make it, I spotted two women who appeared to be a coach and her client. They were running a nice, slow, steady pace, so I just got behind them and stayed there. When we hit the 3-mile marker, they sped up and so did I (I usually speed up that last bit, when I know the finish line is so close).
First thought afterward: I did it, so now I'm done and I don't have to do it ever again. Second thought, a few seconds later: I want to do it again!
Reached goal in August 2006
Added BodyBugg in May 2009
New ticker: 136.6/123.2/130