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Postby nickieluv » November 17th, 2008, 1:51 pm

Sometimes it's just better to stay in bed, huh? :lol: I hope today goes better for you. See you when you're up to it.
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Postby SuzyQ66 » November 17th, 2008, 3:57 pm

Robin - I hope you are feeling better soon. I too am not feeling very well...I sure hate winter...LOL!!
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Postby DogMa » November 18th, 2008, 8:34 am

Thanks, all. I'm at work today, but just barely (and mostly because I have to get this one press release done for someone who's on vacation AND because I have a call in to my doctor, who's on campus). Everything's moved into my chest, and I decided the whole thing probably wasn't a cold, because I never even sneezed. I'm guessing sinus infection that might now be bronchitis (or getting there, anyway). The person in the office next to mine said just about everyone here gets sick a lot the first year, and then they seem to build up an immunity to all the crud floating around here. Sigh.

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Postby nickieluv » November 18th, 2008, 12:25 pm

"On campus?" If so, then yes, this will be the worst year. I imagine I'll be pretty sick when I go back to work next year, as I'm exposed to all the kids and their germs again. But after the first year of 'exposure,' you're usually all set. So this too will pass! Hope it didn't become bronchitis - take it easy.
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Postby DogMa » November 18th, 2008, 3:45 pm

No little kids here, thankfully. It's a medical school campus. But that means hospitals and doctors' offices. Not many in my building, since we're in the medical school building with the classrooms (and some surgeons' and ophthalmologists' offices), but I guess the germs are still out there.

So I saw the doc and she has no idea what it is. Thinks it's viral and said my lungs sounded mostly clear, but my blood pressure was WAY up for me (something like 130/110, when my normal is more like 100/80); she said it's probably just all the coughing. Anyway, she gave me one cough medicine for day (little tiny gelcaps, which I've never seen before) and another, with codeine, for night. And then gave me antibiotics and said not to take 'em for a couple of days to see if things improve on their own.

So far, the daytime cough stuff isn't doing a darn thing for me, though.

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Postby nickieluv » November 18th, 2008, 4:00 pm

Don't they say 'it's a virus' is doctor code for 'I don't have a clue what it is?' :lol: My daughter for a while said when someone got sick 'he caught a iris' instead of virus, so I always had pictures of people running about in fields picking flowers out of the air. :lol: So, sorry you 'caught a iris.' Hope the coughing stops long enough for you to get some sleep tonight at least.
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Postby DogMa » November 19th, 2008, 9:16 am

That's EXACTLY what I think it means. And the idea that she thinks it's viral but gave me antibiotics to start in a day or two? Sounds like she has no clue. I mean, they never even checked my temperature. I've never BEEN to the doctor without getting my temp checked. I think even the orthopedist's office checked it. Crazy.

Anyway, even the codeine wasn't enough to stop the cough last night, and when I woke up my chest was very congested. So I just went ahead and started the antibiotics. I'm SO tired of this.

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Postby nickieluv » November 19th, 2008, 12:19 pm

Hmmmm - I hope the antibiotics do something, then. You know, not every doctor is a GOOD doctor. They are people, too, and have bad days or maybe pick their career for the wrong reasons and then phone it in. It might be worth a second opinion if things don't clear up.
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Postby SuzyQ66 » November 19th, 2008, 12:26 pm

I can sympathize with you Robin. I have been sick since Sunday night. I am so tired because I can't sleep at night. I am not coughing like you, but am just miserable. I just keep moving about my day in hopes that this will go away. I haven't allowed myself a day in bed because I feel better moving around. I hope we both get better soon.
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Postby SuzyQ66 » November 19th, 2008, 12:30 pm

Robin...I do have a questions for you.....I know everybody is different...but do you know how many calories you should take in each day to maintain your weight where you are right now?? I know I am far from being on maintenance but it's never too soon to think about it...and I need to be serious about it the next time around.
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Postby DogMa » November 19th, 2008, 1:06 pm

Sorry, Suzy, I don't know for sure, actually. I was eating less before and gaining weight. Now I'm eating 1200 a day (1300 on days that I work out) and losing. Slowly, but that's normal for me. That's with four or five hours of cardio a week. Except this week because of the illness. What I don't know is whether I'd lose faster if I ate more calories or worked out less, or if I'd lose faster if I worked out MORE, the way I used to.

And no weights right now, because of the shoulder. I was just starting to work it a little harder before I got sick, so I'm giving it a couple more days before I resume.

But bear in mind that I'm pretty short and have a VERY slow metabolism, even for my age.

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Postby Lauren » November 21st, 2008, 9:40 am

Hey, Robin, just wanted to see how you were feeling???

Hope much better!

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Postby DogMa » November 21st, 2008, 10:18 am

Hey, Lauren. Just finished yet another coughing jag, actually. Sigh. At least the folks at work don't come running to the rescue anymore. I appreciate the concern, but it's SO embarrassing.

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Postby nickieluv » November 21st, 2008, 10:20 am

I know the feeling. I wish it would stop for you already!! Are you getting any sleep yet? Did the antibiotics do anything? Just think how much you'll appreciate your health once you're feeling better, though, right? Just a stab at a silver lining....
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Postby DogMa » November 21st, 2008, 12:48 pm

Ha. Yeah, I take a bunch of cough medicine with codeine before bed, and usually sleep till about 4, when I wake up coughing. Sigh. Had some good naps yesterday, though (left for work, but had such a hard time on my way in that I just went back home to drown myself in codeine). It wouldn't bother me quite so much (I'm really not coughing all that much between the awful coughing jags) except I have tickets to a play tomorrow, and I really don't want to repeat my opera performance. Not to mention that I HAVE to be better before my flight next Thursday. Wah.

It's not in my chest anymore, which I think was the antibiotics' doing. I'm really feeling pretty OK except for the times when I start hacking up a lung and struggling to breathe.

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