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Postby DogMa » February 21st, 2008, 8:48 am

Ugh. Just have a minute before I go collapse again. Finally went to the doc-in-a-box last night because my fever wasn't dropping (102.5; a little lower with meds). I have influenza A and a sinus infection, and they said not to plan on doing anything till next week.

E-mailed the potential new employers to see if they need the editing test back before Monday (I took it, despite the fever, but my fax machine is inoperable thanks to Mojo, who chewed through the cords). No answer yet, but hopefully they'll be understanding because I do NOT want to have to drag myself to Kinko's.

Right now I'm on Tamiflu, antibiotics, alternating Advil and Tylenol, and Mucinex. And I feel horrible. (But hey, I'm down to 128.6, probably because I forgot to eat most of yesterday.) But at least while I was out at the doc and pharmacy, I stocked up on soup and Crystal Light (I can't drink plain water when I'm sick). Wish I'd gotten some light ice cream or something, though.

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Postby Lauren » February 21st, 2008, 9:05 am

Oy vey, Robin, that sucks, and I hope you get better soon! Guess you didn't get a flu shot, huh? As much as the flu stinks, I actually LOATHE sinus infections. They're just so uncomfortable, painful, and no meds ever seem to make me feel better when I get them. Fortunately I don't get them too often, but my sister does, and it's miserable.

I am sure that the potential employer will be cool with the time frame - most people "get" how crappy a flu is, especially those at a hospital!

Feel better soon, and if you live in an area anything like NYC, you could probably get the grocery store to deliver you the ice cream and anything else you need!


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Postby Tawanda » February 21st, 2008, 11:31 am

Robin, sorry to read that you are feeling so ill. I read that the flu that is going around was not what was expected so the vaccination this year isn't doing as much to help people avoid catching the flu virus. I hope you feel better soon.
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Postby DonnaS » February 22nd, 2008, 12:04 pm

Hi Robin, I'm so sorry your under the weather. I was going to ask if you were going to the Stars game tonight cause I'm going to be there (if I can remember correctly, I believe it was you who enjoyed hockey). I hope you get to feeling much better over the weekend. At least it is going to be sunny and dry instead of rainy and dreary. Feel better!

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Postby DogMa » February 23rd, 2008, 6:19 pm

Lauren wrote:Feel better soon, and if you live in an area anything like NYC, you could probably get the grocery store to deliver you the ice cream and anything else you need!

Hee. This is the Texas 'burbs, so definitely not like NYC. We're lucky they deliver pizza and Chinese food around here.

Anyway, feeling almost human again - finally. I think I'm going to avoid workouts for another day or two, though, since I'm still pretty far under the weather. I'm hoping to venture out of the house for a bit tomorrow, though. So far I've only been out once since my visit to the doctor and pharmacy, and that was for about 20 minutes yesterday to get cough medicine (OK, and bread and light ice cream; I figure the only time I'll have ice cream in my house is when I'm sick like this, because it feels SO good on my throat). But tomorrow I'm going to try to go back to regular food.

So there you go. I just wanted to check in and let folks know I'm still among the living (or at least nearly there). Fever's pretty much gone, sinus infection appears to be clearing up some, and now if I could just get my voice and energy back - and stop coughing whenever I try to lie down - I'll feel a lot better. At least someone at work had just loaned me the complete first season of Torchwood, so I had something to watch all week. (I can't say I love it, though. Our reviewer said it was kind of a cross between Buffy and Dead Like Me, but I don't see the resemblance at all. Both of those had much more humor and a sense of fun about them, and this show seems to take itself very seriously.)

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Postby rodeomom » February 23rd, 2008, 6:37 pm

Just catching up with you. Sorry you have been under the weather recently. There is a bunch of nasty viruses going around - I am just trying to stay under their RADAR.

Glad that you are getting better. Be sure to take care of yourself - don't start too much too soon.
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Postby DogMa » February 24th, 2008, 2:08 pm

Yay. My first day feeling almost human again. I didn't even try to work out yet, though; I want to get through one normal day first. Today my flu and sinus infection seemed almost cleared up, but my stomach was bothering me all day (I'm guessing it's all the meds and the huge changes in diet. At first I couldn't eat much at all because I felt so puny and feverish, and then later I just ate whatever I felt like, just to get something down. So now I'm trying to normalize everything again. I'm hoping to get through a workday tomorrow, and then Tuesday I'll try a treadmill walk and see how it goes before I try any running or strength training.)

One sure sign that I've been REALLY sick - I haven't weighed myself in a whole week.

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Postby DogMa » February 25th, 2008, 6:55 am

Wow. Well, considering I haven't worked out in a whole week - and how poorly I ate for that week (including the amount of reduced-fat ice cream I managed to down) - I did great. I'm at 131.0 this morning. And last night I had one last bowl of ice cream and tossed the rest, figuring I'm now well enough that I have no excuse to eat it.

If all goes well today (my first day back at work), I'm going to try to do a nice walk tomorrow on the treadmill (can't do it first thing, the way I like to do, because Teemu has an early-morning dental appointment; actually, I'm not sure WHEN I'll be home to do it, because I'll be staying at the vet's office with him all day because he's so afraid of crates).

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Postby ChynnaDoll » February 25th, 2008, 3:11 pm

DogMa wrote:Wow. Well, considering I haven't worked out in a whole week - and how poorly I ate for that week (including the amount of reduced-fat ice cream I managed to down) - I did great. I'm at 131.0 this morning. And last night I had one last bowl of ice cream and tossed the rest, figuring I'm now well enough that I have no excuse to eat it.

If all goes well today (my first day back at work), I'm going to try to do a nice walk tomorrow on the treadmill (can't do it first thing, the way I like to do, because Teemu has an early-morning dental appointment; actually, I'm not sure WHEN I'll be home to do it, because I'll be staying at the vet's office with him all day because he's so afraid of crates).

Oh Rob, i hope you continue to feel much better, but don't overdo ok? I didn't know you were sick..i should've come by sooner.
My babies are scheduled for dental work this month too being that February is National Dental month for dogs..i REALLY am looking forward for that BIG bill for the three of'em..LOL! Good luck to little Teemu tomorrow..poor baby :( let us know how he does.

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Postby DogMa » February 25th, 2008, 3:47 pm

Thanks, Chy. And yeah, Mojo can skate this year since she's so young, but next year they'll both have to go. Gotta love the big bills. Sigh.

Still not quite up to par, I think. I'm SO tired and still feeling kind of weak - and craving a big, fat, juicy burger. I'm guessing I just need a major dose of protein and iron and all that good stuff that comes from a big hunk of red meat. But considering I haven't really eaten any fat all day today, I think I may actually break down and have what I want. All I've had all day is some soup and a little egg substitute with a sprinkle of low-fat cheese and a couple of pieces of low-cal toast. Wasn't enough, but I just wasn't hungry and didn't have the energy to make (or even get) anything more.

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Postby holberry » February 26th, 2008, 8:25 am

hey Robin, this stuff is bad, bad to the bone......

my food of choice this past week was shhhhhh,bananas and lime bars.
protein wasnt even thought about,

take care!
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Postby DogMa » February 26th, 2008, 12:05 pm

Yeah, I lived on soup and toast (OK, and chocolate) for about a week. So I figure if I'm craving red meat night after night right now, it's probably fine to indulge it. Although tonight I'm going to be a little healthier about it and go with steak and veggies. I'm actually feeling MUCH better today, so that's a good sign. But I think I may wait one more day and then just hit the treadmill in the morning for a good, long walk. And if that goes well, I'll do my PUSH workout tomorrow night and get back to normal.

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Postby Lauren » February 27th, 2008, 7:34 am

Hey, Robin! So glad to hear you're finally starting to feel human again, congrats! This flu seems to be wiping everyone out for a really long time, so keep your energy expectations in check. :-)

You know, I also very very rarely eat red meat. Not opposed to it, just generally stick to chicken/fish/tofu. But when I am having a serious craving for meat, it hits me like a ton of bricks, and like you, I can't shake it. I also usually chalk it up as needing that iron, and also, like you, I will have the red meat, because I figure my body needs it. Don't know if you saw that episode of "Friends," when Phoebe, who was a vegetarian but then got pregnant suddenly was jonesing for red meat? It was funny, but also true! Sometimes we just gotta trust that our body is giving us the right signals!

So, I hope you enjoyed your steak, and that you feel better, stronger, and crave-free today.


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Postby Lizabette » February 27th, 2008, 9:32 am

ROBIN, Sorry I've missed out on your posts since you were ill. Seems like it has hit us all recently---and now I'm nursing my bear of a DH to get him back up to par again.
He's feeling much better, but the cough and sinus infection hangs on.
So you take care... :heart:
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Postby DogMa » February 27th, 2008, 3:13 pm

Thanks, Lauren and Lizabette. I spoke a little too soon, apparently, and I feel much better about all the red meat now because I'm still kinda sick. Woke up feeling awful again and with a slight fever, so I stayed home yet AGAIN. Still haven't bothered to work out, and now I think I won't even try till the weekend.

But so much for the bad news. The GOOD news ... I got the job! I can't give notice till tomorrow, since I'm home today (so no one tell anyone at the paper; ha), but I'll do it tomorrow and I start March 17. No time in between, since I'll be taking a week off in April to help my musher cousin in Montana after his surgery.

But yay! I'm excited, although also nervous about leaving a career and industry I love. But I'm hopeful that I'll find things to love about this, too, and that it'll work out well. And I'm very happy about the security and benefits, after being in such an uncertain industry for so long.

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