DogMa wrote:I wonder. Because isn't the "preferred member" or whatever just an automatic thing based on the number of posts? This would have to be done manually for each person who reaches maintenance.
bikipatra wrote:When I reach goal I am going to focus on sharing my experience, strength and hope with others who are still trying to achieve goal, not worrying about what is in my signature. If this is just about me maintaining, I can go on my merry way. I beieve in the principle of service. Helping others like I was helped. That is the point. We don't have many maintainers around.
bikipatra wrote:When I reach goal I am going to focus on sharing my experience, strength and hope with others who are still trying to achieve goal, not worrying about what is in my signature. If this is just about me maintaining, I can go on my merry way. I beieve in the principle of service. Helping others like I was helped. That is the point. We don't have many maintainers around.
JO!!!!! Surely you're not comparing the Golden Globe Awards to maintaining a weight loss for ONE YEAR! You jest!
Serendipity wrote:...As for this becoming a big deal. I don't think it is at all, we're just doing what we always do......a bunch of women with opinions that vary, talkin' it over.
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