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Postby fairladyj » March 12th, 2007, 8:26 am

Robin - congrats on maintaining -

I wanted to respond to your earlier comment about doing RFTC in memory of Molly Ivins - she was one of my heros, not to mention favorite columnists. she was feisty, strong, opinionated as hell, and brainy beyond belief.

I am still mourning that we lost her to breast cancer - I am an 11 yr survivor myself, and still grieve everytime a woman doesn't make it through.

Hope everyone who reads this gets their mammogram - early detection is still the best weapon we have.

robin - if you do decide to walk/run for Molly, I would like to make a donation - you can pm me with the details. What an adventure is must have been working with her!
Jennifer in Michigan

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Postby DogMa » March 12th, 2007, 9:26 am

Hey, thanks, Fairlady. And I'm sure it was amazing to work with her; I only got here a year and a half ago, though (and not on the op/ed pages), so unfortunately I never met her. But I'm proud to walk (or by then, I hope, run or jog) in her honor (and in honor of several of my friends, who are also breast-cancer survivors).

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Postby alpha femme » March 12th, 2007, 1:58 pm

oh, robin, you're so sweet. i think it's very kind of you to be concerned about not breaking dating rules.

i hit on other people while i'm on dates, so...
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Postby j0j0ruca » March 12th, 2007, 2:24 pm

alpha femme wrote:oh, robin, you're so sweet. i think it's very kind of you to be concerned about not breaking dating rules.

i hit on other people while i'm on dates, so...

She hits on and checks out. Alex has no shame. :shock:

Keep your options open and play the field! Can you tell I miss being single at times - I live vicariously through Alex.
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Postby Lizabette » March 12th, 2007, 4:18 pm

I really admire that you are doing the RFTC. I have been toying with the idea of doing it here in Hot Springs, so it inspires me. Maybe it will inspire others also.
Of course mine would be a 'walk' (of about 4 miles) but I think I could do it since I have been walking, and water aerobics for some time now.
I would no doubt be bringing up the rear, since at 77 I am not the spring chicken I used to be, but I'll get some advice on it before I would try it.

We have known so many whom the dread disease stole away from us. It just saddens me when I think that with all the technology in existence, a cure could not be found NOW!

Speaking of walking, it was in the eighties today here and instead of going out walking, I started up my treadmill that is set up on our back deck overlooking the lake. (Hamilton)
With a ceiling fan overhead, it was pretty nice. That may be what I'll do on the hot, muggy days that are ahead this summer.

About JDG, I truly hope that I am proven wrong about him. :oops: I know you are well capable of deciding what is best for you.
Your 4-and 2-plan should do the trick for you to get back where you were, if you really need to.
It is not easy to be completely satisfied with where we are...there is always just a little bit more that we can do, it seems...
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby Sojourner » March 12th, 2007, 5:14 pm

j0j0ruca wrote:I live vicariously through Alex.

Don't we all?!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby DogMa » March 14th, 2007, 7:59 am

Well, Day 1 didn't go so well. I was doing OK till I waited too long to eat. And then I was baking some stuff to test out before a crawfish boil I was invited to (the plan was to bring it in to work the next day for people to taste, so that I wouldn't), but ... that didn't work out so well.

But yesterday was much better. I was starving half the day (I forgot how hungry I got the first day or two!!), but even though I was in the house the entire day, I didn't touch the cookies. I had an extra supplement, plus some celery, but I lived. And did my 2 miles yesterday and today (plus today I'll do the 1-mile tape at work). Given my slow system, I don't know if I can do it, but I'm hoping to get back to my lowest (or maybe even lower) in a couple of weeks. I'd still LOVE to be at 125. Or even 120 (although if I go that low, people might start to yell at me).

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Postby DogMa » March 15th, 2007, 4:52 am

So, two days down ... and I'm not really seeing any improvement. Plus I can feel myself getting more tired and can't even consider running today (although I'll still do the 2-mile workout at work). I'm going to give it a few more days, but this is getting to be a concern.

Oh, and 133.6; yesterday was 133.8.

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Postby Lauren » March 15th, 2007, 8:21 am

Robin, cut your body some slack, lady! :-) You know how many calories equals a pound, and you won't have cut that many calories in a 2 day period, so why would the scale drop that quickly? You know? If you are eating 500 calories less a day, and have not picked up the running again, then you are likely going to lose the pound in a week. Be patient, it will come. Heed the advice you give others! :-)

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Postby DogMa » March 15th, 2007, 8:34 am

I know, but I see this as basically the first week of the program again, and I know how quickly most people lose at first. I'm not fully running yet, but I AM walking 3-4 miles a day at a pretty darn brisk pace (with some running involved still).

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Postby Lauren » March 15th, 2007, 8:37 am

Yeah, but the reason everyone loses so fast in the beginning is the water weight plus the shock to the system. You probably don't have the retention issue because you were already eating super healthy and clean and low-sodium, and this also isn't as much a shock to your already low calorie regimen.
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Postby DogMa » March 15th, 2007, 8:57 am

I suppose. Although it wasn't so clean and low-sodium lately (which is why I'm up in the first place). I actually ate a lot less sodium before I ever started Medifast!!

Anyway, I'm sticking with it and hopefully it'll work like it did before. And we're doing the 2-mile tape this afternoon, so it shouldn't be TOO big a deal that I skipped my morning workout. (But it better start working soon because I really don't like the way I feel right now. I could barely get out of bed this morning, and I can't believe how HUNGRY I am. My calories aren't THAT much lower than they were the past few weeks, but I'm hungry almost all the time. And I have to do some major baking tomorrow night, so I need to be feeling a little more controlled by then.)

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Postby DogMa » March 15th, 2007, 1:44 pm

So I brought in one of my 2-mile WATP tapes for the group, and they decided to do it tomorrow instead of waiting till next week. Normally they do 1 mile on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and 2 miles Tuesday and Thursday. But we were talking today, and the consensus is the 1-mile tape just isn't enough of a workout, even for the out-of-shape folks. So there's talk of doing 2 miles EVERY day, which would be awesome in addition to my home workout.

Now if I could just stop being so hungry, and get my stomach to pipe down, too. It's been SO grumbly and gassy (sorry, TMI) since I started eating more Medifast stuff again.

I also wonder if I'm not getting enough calories, since my L&G breakfast is usually pretty low (shoot; I just looked, and it's really only a few more calories than a Medifast supplement - maybe 150 or so?). I'm having an extra supplement every day, but still. Maybe I should run things through fitday tomorrow.

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Postby DogMa » March 16th, 2007, 4:20 am

Yipes. No extra shake yesterday, and I'm UP to 134. Could be the sodium from dinner (German restaurant; I'm sure TONS of salt in the sauerkraut), but still.

Meanwhile, so tired I hit the snooze alarm this morning. I'm giving it another couple of days, but then I think I'm going to have to go back to BFL or something, because this doesn't seem to be working too well.

And on the personal-saga front, JDG2 called last night (the New Age guy). He seemed pretty nice, smart, funny, etc. although a little off his rocker with conspiracy theories. We're meeting for breakfast Sunday, and I feel horribly guilty about it. Ugh.

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Postby bikipatra » March 16th, 2007, 4:50 am

The saga continues... :lol:
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