Does It Really Matter?

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Does It Really Matter?

Postby nikkibikki » April 19th, 2004, 10:07 am

I ran out of my meal replacement shakes and decided to purchase a can of Slimfast Soy Protein shake mix until I received my order from Medifast. I did notice Slimfast has a 26g carb count per serving and Medifast only has a 13g carb count. Should I be concerned with my carb intake while on the 5 and 1 meal plan?
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Re: Does It Really Matter?

Postby explorthis » April 19th, 2004, 10:52 am

nikkibikki wrote:I ran out of my meal replacement shakes and decided to purchase a can of Slimfast Soy Protein shake mix until I received my order from Medifast. I did notice Slimfast has a 26g carb count per serving and Medifast only has a 13g carb count. Should I be concerned with my carb intake while on the 5 and 1 meal plan?

A can is not going to do anything. (In my opinion) however, more than one can/shake will make a difference dramatically in what you lose, and how fast. Medifast is designed as a "fasting" program, with just the correct amount of "stuff" your body needs to survive, nothing more, nothing less.

If we could ALL take Slim Fast, instead of Medifast, we would never have come to need Medifast. Additionally, I think our brain's realize we are paying for a program, a religious program, in lieu of an off again on again Slim Fast option.

Check out the content differences. Yes, I think it makes a dramatic difference!!

Medifast 55:
Calories 90
Total Fat 1g
Saturated Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 250mg
Potassium 440mg
Total Carbohydrate 13g
Dietary Fiber 4g
Sugars 8g
Protein 11g

Slim Fast Soy:
Calories 170
Total Fat 2g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 270mg
Potassium 480
Total Carbohydrate 25g
Dietary Fiber 5g
Sugars 12g
Protein 15g

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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