Diving in headfirst on Tuesday...

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Diving in headfirst on Tuesday...

Postby For-Me » March 14th, 2005, 5:28 pm

I'm beginning 5 and 1 on Tuesday. Any words of advice? I am 5'7" and 205 - I can hardly believe that I've gained so much weight after having my two children. I know what it's like to be in shape as in the mid-'90's I ran a few times per week, went to the gym, etc... but I've been so sedentary for five years. Anyway, your words of wisdom and advice are gladly welcomed! Thanks!
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Postby dlr2424 » March 14th, 2005, 5:42 pm

For-Me...first of all...WELCOME..so glad you deceided to join us.. :yes: .....you will love this forum and all the people on here....they are SO SUPPORTIVE...so ask away and share away...they always have open ears and open arms :hug: ....they will be your biggest cheerleaders... :cheerleader: ...My advice would be to:.... tie into this forum...read the book "shaker in a jar"...be 100% faithful...and those lbs. will be melting off you...looking forward to sharing the journey with you and may you be blessed with much success :D



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Postby LilMsTexas » March 14th, 2005, 5:47 pm

Hello Diving-In

I started exactly a week ago and I can tell you from very recent experience to get ready for a true ride the next 3 days. :roll: It seems crazy that the 3 day rule is so specific, but it truly is. Everyone has their own personal experience and has all of this to a degree. My first day was actually fine.......I was so psyched I wasn't even hungry. But then day two and the headache rolled in. By day 3 I thought I was going die and maybe even wanted to!! Anything that would have made that headache go away.

Now here's the point. Talk to your health advisor IMMEDIATELY if you are having any true aches,pains, ect. They have TONS of good advice and so do the people here. The problem is that you don't necessarily have enough time to read every post on every section at the moment you need it and sometimes you haven't read the info AHEAD of time. I told my health advisor about my headaches AFTER it was all over and she said she wished I would have come to her when it was happening because there are remedies.........like the fast soup, boulion (sp?) and salt on celery that might have helped. Our bodies go through so much adjustment in the very beginning and we need to help it over the hump.

The good news is that once that passes it's just on to bigger, or SMALLER I should say, things!! :D Get registered as a member on this sight, get to know your health advisor, and get to know these awesome, incredible, fabulous people here and climb on board the biggest losing train in the world!!

Best of days to you and of course...........CHEERS!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Welcome and a tip

Postby Laramedifast » March 14th, 2005, 6:55 pm

Hi For Me,
Congrats on making the decision to dive in and WELCOME! You won't regret your decision.
My best advice for you is not to compare yourself or your speed of weight loss to anyone else. I did at first and it almost cost me my commitment to the whole program. I've been doing the program (though a little incorrectly at first with the wrong veggies and meat) for about 2 weeks and have only lost 5 pounds which is I think definitely below the average. I expected by the second week to have lost AT LEAST 10 pounds. But then I decided to just stick with it and know that if I stay on the program and abide my compliance, I WILL lost sooner or later.
I started at 5'6" and 200 pounds and also was a runner before I gained all this weight, too! I used to be 135. It's so harsh to have been there and lost all of that by gaining! Stay focused on the healthier you you were before you gained all the weight. I know I am and I really look forward to regaining my running personality and doing 5Ks again!
GOOD LUCK and hang in there. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
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Postby junglejane » March 15th, 2005, 7:03 am

Welcome Forme! I like your name "for me". I think it should be for you because you can't do it unless you want it for you.
I have no other advice to add really. These girls are so quick and so good at their answers. Just start shakin and the days will go by and the weight will go away.

Laramed, what part of Western PA are you from? I grew up in Waynesburg, PA just south of Pittsburgh. Love PA.
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Postby purplepansy » March 15th, 2005, 8:24 am

welcome welcome..
I found the first week the hardest, now I just do what I have to do and the hunger isn't bad at all. I find it funny that I crave the creamy tomato and the oatmeal is so satisfying in the AM. Who would have thought?
Drink the water and more water and more water. That helps fill you up.
I found myself alittle dizzy after a few days and had the fast soup. That helped.
Good luck

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Western PA

Postby Laramedifast » March 15th, 2005, 5:54 pm

Hey Jungle,
I'm in Westmoreland County, on the border actually of Fayette County. Sort of near Mt. Pleasant (close to Greensburg). I actually grew up in NW Ohio, but moved to this area and got married and hubby built a house in the woods here. Love western PA. We spend a lot of time on the Rails to Trails biking. :)
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