Dear Susynne ~
I doubt that you have totally recovered from all of those
Medi-hugs ya got there, especially from that
lovable Donna!
I am so
sorry that you have had such a
skanky time of it but
YIPPY! Your doctor listened and gave you some hope.
I want you to remember…docs don’t know it all.
They know stuff and a lotta stuff and I love ‘em, but they don’t know it all.
The body can do amazing things when we
feed it properly and when we don’t feed it so well, it doesn’t feel always feel
so well either. (
Yikes! Shades of the movie Super Size Me!)
I have a compromised immune system myself and take
Prednisone. I lost weight.
We have a lot of ‘roidy peeps and folks with diabetes on our 5 and 1 Program. Thyroid and diabetes affect the metabolism and can make weight loss slower.
But the good news is this: people with thyroid disease or disorders and people with diabetes
do lose weight!
Although we somehow tell ourselves differently,
we are not in a race –
we are people
on a journey to optimal health.
Some people take the
Bullet Train on their travels and some of us
ride mules!
Weight loss rates vary from individual to individual.
The important thing here is this:
We hear your heart’s
cry, Little Darlin’.
We understand that you are
disappointed and that’s perfectly
OK to feel that way. I’d be sitting
under my desk if I were walkin’ in your slippers…
You are hurtin’, you wish it were otherwise, we wish it were otherwise, you are sittin’ in the
Pity Chair but do ya know what?
You are
not allowed to sit in the Pity Recliner!
Hang out on the chair for a few days or even a week or two if need be and then stand up,
walk about, stretch your legs because very soon, you will leave that
hard sliver-crusted hiney-poker chair behind and enter the hallowed doors to the
10 Pound Club!
Little by little is better than never getting there at all!
You can do it, dear Susynne