I swear I have NOT cheated (that I know of) since I started this on March 26th .... I am now into my week 3 and have been getting these horrible hunger headaches everyday! The kind that squeeze right across your temples and your eyes.
I am so depressed

As of Sunday I lost 13 lbs (and remember I got on the scale mid-week and freaked out because it had me up 1.5 lbs!); Well, I did put the scale away until my weigh in on Sunday which had me down the mysterious 1.5 PLUS down another 2 ~ but I took it out this morning to move some things and (of course) I got on it; Not only have I not lost any weight .. but now it has me UP 3.5 lbs!!

So often I get the urge to just forget all about this... I was so UP when I started and now I feel like - yet another diet will not work for me

I really have not cheated. Some days I dont even have all 5 supplements because I am so busy at work that I dont have time for snack until it is time for lunch (and I dont double up). The only thing I can think of is that I put fat free 1/2 & 1/2 in my coffee (and I usually have four cups a day) and I dont measure that ... but would THAT make me NOT lose weight?? Seems such a small thing after the way I've been eating for, oh - say that last 20 years!
Please give me some of that wonderful advice that you all do .....
I really need 'yall now.