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Postby carolannjeanette » May 15th, 2007, 9:17 pm

Last month I had a real successful week of MF. However, I did not plan very well and ran out of MF right after the first week. While I was waiting for my shipment, I said why not just eat a little bit of my favorite sugar food that I love while I wait, and then just go back on MF once my shipment arrives. Well, that did not go as planned. I never went back on MF--and not from lack of trying. I would start off in the morning on MF, tellilng myself I am commited for the day but by the afternoon I would be climbing the walls for sugar and tell myself that I will just have a little sugar to help me get through the day and "tomorrow" I will go 100% on MF without cheating! Needless to say, it didn't work that way.

I feel very disappointed in myself. I feel like a big fat failure. I feel like I will always be fat and unhealthy. I am afraid that I will cause myself health problems with my weight.

I am very disgusted with myself. I feel so fat and ugly, and I hate that I feel that way about myself. I am a good person, I don't deserve to be talked to that way by anybody!!!--including myself!!!!

I just can't stop telling myself that I can't do MF right n ow and I am stuck being fat and getting fatter and fatter. I don't feel like I can be one of those healthy persons.
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Postby 2getskinny » May 15th, 2007, 10:36 pm

Hi carolann-
Hang in there, don't beat yourself up. Alot of us have done the same as you have. I have done it myself many many many times, Heck I am restarting yet again. It helps to come to the boards and read read read. Everyone here is so supportive. They have helped me out alot today. I did good today for once, Now tomarrow is another day. I am just taking one day at a time that is all I can do right now. I have felt the same way as you are feeling right now, it will get better! If ever you need someone to talk to just PM me and I will be here for you as will everyone on this board. Hang in there. :)
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Postby Mike » May 15th, 2007, 10:43 pm

Welcome back Carolann.

We are glad that you are back to join us in "our" collective journey. It only gets better from here. We are all here for you. Some are just starting or restarting and some of us have been going for a while... so you get the best of both worlds.

Hang in there... life only gets better now.

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Postby nickieluv » May 16th, 2007, 5:52 am

I can really relate, Carolann. I started 12/28 and the entire month of January I was 'good' all day and then ate junk all night. You can do this, and you will when you're good and ready. Don't beat yourself up, just keep trying!
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Postby carolannjeanette » May 16th, 2007, 6:46 am

Thank you everybody for your support! It helps a lot!

What I realized this morning about myself is that I am stuck in self-pity!! I am feeling sorry for myself for not being successful on MF. Being stuck in self-pity allows myself to stay stuck in my vicious cycle of eating junk food and feeling justified about it.

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hang in there

Postby Donna » May 16th, 2007, 7:29 am

Hi Carolann,
I can relate to that awful dialogue in my head, too. Been there sooo many times in my life. Maybe make smaller goals. Instead of saying you'll be 100% compliant the whole day, just go from meal to meal. By the end of the day, you'll have done it!

Hang in there, kiddo!
Donna :)
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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » May 16th, 2007, 12:03 pm

carolannjeanette wrote:Thank you everybody for your support! It helps a lot!

What I realized this morning about myself is that I am stuck in self-pity!! I am feeling sorry for myself for not being successful on MF. Being stuck in self-pity allows myself to stay stuck in my vicious cycle of eating junk food and feeling justified about it.


Hi carolann!! First of all, welcome to the forum. I'm glad you found us!

I've been in the same situation many times. What we say to ourselves and think in our heads becomes our reality. One thing we can start with is telling ourselves that we are deserving of health,and success in reaching our goal weights.. Another is figure out the reasons why we sabotage ourselves and throw those reasons out the window.

We can come up with a million excuses as to why we can't stick to the program.. been there, done that, and still struggle with that from time to time... All we have to do get really focused and really committed to wanting those pounds off. I notice that when I lose focus and relax a little, it is easy to say, "oh, it's okay to have a tiny bite or this, or a taste of that. And then feel totally guilty about it after. NO , It's not okay! Because then the short lived satisfaction of the food becomes more imporant than losing the pounds.

You can do this!!! You are absolutely deserving of being healthy and thinner! All you have to do is want it more than you want the temporary satisfaction of our favorite junk foods.
I hope this helps a little. We are all going through our own struggles. You are not alone in this!

Sorry about the long post! Good luck to you, and stay close to the forum! :mrgreen:

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Postby GucciGoo » May 16th, 2007, 12:05 pm


Stop stewing in your misery and JUST DO IT!!!!!!

No use crying over spilled milk! Every day is chance for a new start!
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Postby GucciGoo » May 16th, 2007, 12:05 pm

...And throw away all the crappy food you have in your house!!!!!
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Postby dede4wd » May 16th, 2007, 1:51 pm

Hi Carolann,

I really understand what you're going through. I've stopped and started several times this year, but I've just decided that this time is it, I'm going to reach goal! If I stumble, I'll get right back on 3 hours later.

That's what this is about...not being compliant for the whole day, it's about being compliant for 3 hours...over and over again. I find that when I think of it that way, it chops up this big giant goal into little pieces...Little pieces that I can handle!

Beth is right, get all the junk out of your house...much easier to be compliant when there's not cheetos sitting next to the MF food!

Come here often, it helps me a lot to read the boards before I put something bad in my mouth!

I realized that only I can change this for me and that my self-pity eating is only causing a circle that makes me feel worse and look worse!

We're all here for you! Just make it through three hours...and then start the clock again!

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Postby Mickeyz » May 16th, 2007, 3:45 pm

How do you eat an elephant? One little bite at a time!

Like so many others have said, try just taking this 3 hours at a time. Get all the temptations out of the house. If possible, enlist someone's support (not to be the food police, just to be supportive). Come here often for hugs and support. You can get tough luv here too when needed.

Give yourself a break. So what, you screwed up. That is behind you now. Make the present count and be the healthy person you want to be. You can be a healthy person now through actions while on your journey to goal.

It can be hard to dump the sugar monster, but if you make it those first crucial days it will get so much easier. Every time you put even a little sugar in your body it will just scream for more. Darn sugar monster, what a pain in the rear!

You deserve happiness and success. I happen to believe it is your divine right.
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Postby bdg » May 16th, 2007, 4:11 pm


Congrats on the decision, and know that this site is here for you and the wonderful losers here will support you. Challenges come daily, its what you choose that decides your fate. Choose to fight the urges for 3 hours at a time. You'll get into the fat burning state, and be in good shape from there. Good luck to you and be good! We want to hear how you are doing! I know it will be great!
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Postby kmr » May 17th, 2007, 7:10 am


Welcome! I've been in your situation many times before too. For some reason Medifast was the only program (of ALL the ones I've tried ) that my gut instinct kept telling me, " when you are ready to stick to a program...M.F. is the only program that will work for you." It became too comfortable for me to just keep eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I became too content with my life (which I must say I am very thankful to God for). I got some what lazy. Or maybe I should say tired because when I think about it, I'm definitely not lazy, but I am tired. Once I had children, I love them so much , that I sort of lost myself and put them first before anyone else or anything. I always will, but I 've realized that I also have to make time to take care of myself too. Not only for me, but for them too. That's why for me personally, I had to get to the point where I was completely disgusted with myself to actually discipline myself enough to stay on plan. You can do this. I believe it is 99% mental. I hope this post makes sense. I sometimes have a hard time writing what I'm feeling. All the best to you and we are all here for you! :goteam:
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Postby Guest » May 18th, 2007, 7:58 am

This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently" - Henry Ford
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Postby stacie4 » May 18th, 2007, 9:29 am

Hi there, just hang in there and try to eat a pickle, veggies or gum to get you through that moment. I hade a real hard time starting this as well. But I told myself I needed to give it my all for atleast the first week, but by then my clothes starting feeling looser and that was all I needed. Just get through those first few days. Don't be so hard on yourself. we are all here if you need us.
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