disappearing posts- new bars questions

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

disappearing posts- new bars questions

Postby guest » June 22nd, 2006, 4:59 am

This isn't meant to be hostile - but I did wonder what happened to the thread about the change in the formulations of the bars. It seems like useful information for people buying "refills" to know that the products have changed.... Are posts that include complaints deleted?
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Postby Jan » June 22nd, 2006, 8:06 am

Hi there,
This is an open forum so Unca does not delete or edit less than favorable posts. The only ones that are "edited" are those which are profane ... no one wants to read that... or those which contain a web address or e-mail. These are deleted for your protection. Unca knows the technicalities of this. He can expain the whys He also deletes spam. So nope it wasn't Unca that made the post dissappear. :D
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Postby Unca_Tim » June 22nd, 2006, 8:28 am

Jan and Vicky are correct.

Other than obvious spam, I don't remove any posts. I do occasionally edit language or links, but it's always stated in the post the reason for editing.

There was a bit of a mess on the forum server yesterday and the site was down for a while. When the happens, it's usually because of the hosts fiddling with the data. We've had several days of posts disappear a couple of times. That's probably what happened. No doubt we lost a few other posts too.

Sorry, if it happened to be your post. If you'd like to re-post, you're welcome to do so.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
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