I'm in a dilemma:+(

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I'm in a dilemma:+(

Postby Porky3 » February 6th, 2007, 1:38 pm

Hello everyone,
I'm new to the forum but not new to the program. Last year i was on the Medifast meals and did quite well. I believe i started on Februrary 14th. My starting weight was 185lbs and i got down to 160lbs. in about six months. I was so happy about it until i neglected to "slowly" return to adding additional caloric food and gained the weight back..that took all but 2 months or less. Now i'm back to 185 and very frustrated, wondering if i should eat regular food with small low calorie meals 5 times a day and exercise (aerobic & resistance training) or just restart with Medifast foods. I've also tried the Slim Fast program which lets you eat fruit, and i love fruit. So i guess i'm afraid if i start back on the Meidfast i will be missing eating fruit. All i know is i have a BIG headache right now and got'a stop typing. Any suggestions would be quite helpful. Thank you all very much.

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Postby bikipatra » February 6th, 2007, 1:41 pm

It sounds like you have tried all the options. Which one best fits your needs and goals?
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I'm in a dilemma

Postby Porky3 » February 6th, 2007, 3:41 pm

bikipatra wrote:It sounds like you have tried all the options. Which one best fits your needs and goals?

Hi, thank you so much for replying.
You have asked the 64 million dollar question..lol! I know Slim Fast probably will work but not as rapid...i KNOW Medifast works quick...so maybe the question isn't which one should i do, but will i be focused enough to just be on a high protein minus the carbohydrate program for long-term? I know i will ultimately have to make a decision soon, and having read all of the supportive post here, it will probably be the Medifast....so stop your whinning Chyna and with the program:+)

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Postby DogMa » February 6th, 2007, 3:48 pm

Only you can answer whether you're focused enough. We've had many restarters recently, though, so you sure wouldn't be alone here. But it's definitely important to transition back to regular food, rather than just stopping Medifast and eating other foods right away. And you can never eat the way you ate before, or you'll weigh what you weighed before.

No matter what plan you choose, you'll need to change your eating habits if you want to make a permanent change. It's not easy, but it's possible.

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I'm in a dilemma

Postby Porky3 » February 6th, 2007, 4:04 pm

DogMa wrote:Only you can answer whether you're focused enough. We've had many restarters recently, though, so you sure wouldn't be alone here. But it's definitely important to transition back to regular food, rather than just stopping Medifast and eating other foods right away. And you can never eat the way you ate before, or you'll weigh what you weighed before.

No matter what plan you choose, you'll need to change your eating habits if you want to make a permanent change. It's not easy, but it's possible.

Gosh, thank you so much for replying. YOU are exactly right...you guys can't tell me which one to do and i realize this. I guess like the ole saying goes "no pain no gain". Your last sentence definitely speaks the TRUTH, and i really have to get my mind-set in gear. I'm feeling a bit more inspired now:+)

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Postby bikipatra » February 6th, 2007, 6:00 pm

But the miraculous thing is that you do not have to change your ingrained habits overnight. You get to learn. All we ask at first is 5-1 and water. That's all it takes in the beginning. After a few weeks of getting that down you can become a deep thinker, with all the hows ands whys and why nots.
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Re: I'm in a dilemma:+(

Postby Unca_Tim » February 6th, 2007, 6:51 pm

Porky3 wrote:My starting weight was 185lbs and i got down to 160lbs. in about six months.

My guess is you weren't too serious about the program then?
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Postby nickieluv » February 6th, 2007, 7:56 pm

Hi Chynna;

If you decide to follow this program, you will get a lot of support - and you will hear the truth, not what you want to hear. So be ready for that - it's what we need to learn and be successful. It is all said with respect and with the hope that you will be the best you can be.

I hope we see you here in the future - but make sure you are ready to commit, or you will not get the results you want. I am speaking from experience - you can check me out in the journal section, it's taken about 7 months for me to get my head on straight about this. But this is a wonderful program, and will work for you, if you do the work yourself.

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Re: I'm in a dilemma:+(

Postby Porky3 » February 7th, 2007, 8:09 am

Unca_Tim wrote:
Porky3 wrote:My starting weight was 185lbs and i got down to 160lbs. in about six months.

My guess is you weren't too serious about the program then?

Good Morning Unca & everyone...I tried replying last night but could not get on..said it was to busy. I have WEBTV and not a computer, so i'm very limited as to what i can access.

I tell'ya Unca, it was just the opposite. i was totally serious about the program and wondered why i wasn't losing as fast as other's were. I was on all the conference calls on Monday & Wednesday with Lori Anderson and Dr. Anderson, and even spoke with Mary Jane Medlock about my particular concern. They all said it may have something to do with the order the supplements were being eaten. I do know i use to save my bar until last at night..kinna looked at it as a treat, so i moved that up earlier, and started having a shake i the morning instead of the oatmeal, and still i was not losing as fast as others were? So Dr. Anderson said it could be attributed to some hidden medical problem and to see my physical which i didn't because i'm disabled and just did not feel like it. He did however advise me to stick with it and evenutally i WOULD see results, and i finally did then blew it...plus the fact i've been sedentary for so long may have been a factor as far as the excercising and my metabolism goes. So just wanted you to know i wasn't just taking the program for granted because i do know it works. I just hope this time, the journey for me will be different. This is a WONDERFUL group, and i KNOW i will be sincerely supported:+)

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I'm in a dilemma

Postby Porky3 » February 7th, 2007, 8:15 am

nickieluv wrote:Hi Chynna;

If you decide to follow this program, you will get a lot of support - and you will hear the truth, not what you want to hear. So be ready for that - it's what we need to learn and be successful. It is all said with respect and with the hope that you will be the best you can be.

I hope we see you here in the future - but make sure you are ready to commit, or you will not get the results you want. I am speaking from experience - you can check me out in the journal section, it's taken about 7 months for me to get my head on straight about this. But this is a wonderful program, and will work for you, if you do the work yourself.

Good luck and nice to meet you!

Hi Nick,
Thank you so much for sharing that honest information, and believe me i WILL be "sure" before i start this journey again. It is so nice meeting you too, and i'll be in here so much y'all may get tired of me...lol!

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Re: I'm in a dilemma:+(

Postby Unca_Tim » February 7th, 2007, 9:01 am

Porky3 wrote:I tell'ya Unca, it was just the opposite. i was totally serious about the program and wondered why i wasn't losing as fast as other's were.

Hi Cynna,
I said that just to get your attention and hear more of your story...:)

15 lbs in 6 months is very unusual unless there's a lack of commitment or underlying medical condition. Many times it's related to the potpourri of meds that get handed out like candy these days.

Sounds like you're plugged into the system and are taking advantage of all the support available. Keep us posted and we'll get you there this time...:)
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Re: I'm in a dilemma:+(

Postby bikipatra » February 7th, 2007, 9:09 am

Unca_Tim wrote:
Porky3 wrote:I tell'ya Unca, it was just the opposite. i was totally serious about the program and wondered why i wasn't losing as fast as other's were.

15 lbs in 6 months is very unusual unless there's a lack of commitment or underlying medical condition. Many times it's related to the potpourri of meds that get handed out like candy these day

You can say that again!
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Postby DogMa » February 7th, 2007, 9:53 am

Ummm, check your math, guys. 185 to 160 would be 25 pounds. So she averaged a pound a week, which isn't at all unusual for some of us slower losers.

Chynna, I lost very slowly, too. And my attitudes toward food (and my body) definitely didn't change overnight - after six months of maintenance, I'm STILL working on some of that stuff. At first, you just need to focus on getting through three hours at a time. Get through the day one meal at a time, and before you know it, it'll be a habit. I've been doing this for almost two years now, and I still eat every three hours or so. I can't imagine NOT doing it. (In fact, I recently posted about someone asking me, "How do you eat so much and stay so thin?" How incredible is THAT to hear?!)

BTW, as for missing fruit, I'd suggest Jell-O and maybe Crystal Light. And the fruitier Medifast meals, like the blueberry oatmeal. The rest of it will be there when you're in maintenance; the good thing about all your favorite foods is they'll still be there when you're at goal, and you'll be able to enjoy them again in moderation.

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Postby Unca_Tim » February 7th, 2007, 10:29 am

DogMa wrote:Ummm, check your math, guys. 185 to 160 would be 25 pounds.

....and I thought math was my forte.... :oops:
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Postby GucciGoo » February 7th, 2007, 10:50 am

Unca_Tim wrote:
DogMa wrote:Ummm, check your math, guys. 185 to 160 would be 25 pounds.

....and I thought math was my forte.... :oops:

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