I'm in a dilemma:+(

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Postby Porky3 » February 7th, 2007, 11:13 am

Thank you ALL for the most helpful feedback..i really appreciate it and heed to your suggestions:+)
I will keep in touch and let you all know when i have started the program again. God Bless you all.

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Postby Lizabette » February 13th, 2007, 5:41 pm

Image You, too, CHYNNA!
We're with you.
How do you pronounce your pretty name? Like CHINA?
Lizabette :heart:
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I'm in a dilemma...

Postby Porky3 » February 17th, 2007, 12:25 pm

Lizabette wrote:Image You, too, CHYNNA!
We're with you.
How do you pronounce your pretty name? Like CHINA?

Hi Lizabette, thank you so much for your kind words..and yep, you do pronouce my name like China...lol!

Well, Lizabette and ALL...i made the call today...WHEW!...my order will be here she said hopefully by Feb.23, but no later than the 28th and that's due to all the bad weather. I just survived a BIGGGG snowstorm here in Upstate New York....we got over 2 feet...yikes!
I have thought about this LONG & HARD wondering if i really can do it. I ordered a 2 to 3 week supply of shakes and oatmeal for starters, and 1 box of bars, and 3 boxes of the garden crackers. I'm really gonna need you guys help. Everyone here is progressing so "nicely" with the weight loss, and i want to do that too. I'm going out later on this evening to Bed Bath & Beyond and buy a WW scale...i hear they are quite accurate. My motivation and anticipation is high right now, but i'm still feeling a bit scared and don't know why. Thank you all for listening. I will "officially" checkin soon as i swallow that very first shake:+)

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Postby Mike » February 17th, 2007, 1:18 pm

Welcome. Don't forget to register so you can take full advantage of the entire forum. :mrgreen:
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Hi Mike..

Postby Porky34 » February 17th, 2007, 4:33 pm

Mike wrote:Chynna,
Welcome. Don't forget to register so you can take full advantage of the entire forum. :mrgreen:

Mike, thank you for the welcome!
As far as registering, i did initially as Porky34 with the username Chynna as i have here, and same password as i have here....well when i went to post something it said invalid username/password...so then i tried registering again and used the same username but this time Porky3 and it went through as a "guest" in forum. I don't have a computer...i have WEBTV...has anyone heard if it? It is very limited to what you are able to access....i do hope i will be able to have full use of the forum even as a guest...i donno. As long as i can post and get feedback from you guys i'm satisfied. If you should see Porky34 popup at times it's still me Chynna...lol!

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Postby Mike » February 17th, 2007, 4:42 pm

I remember WEBTV... didn't realize its still around.
Looks like it worked now.
Good luck. :mrgreen:
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Hi Mike

Postby Porky34 » February 17th, 2007, 5:10 pm

Mike wrote:I remember WEBTV... didn't realize its still around.
Looks like it worked now.
Good luck. :mrgreen:

Thank you Mike. I myself am amazed that it's still up and running...thought it would have become extinct by now...lol!

Before i forget...that is my FAVORITE bible verse too:+)...especially when i grow weak.

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Postby katieb920 » February 18th, 2007, 8:23 am

Welcome back. You are going to do great. You did it once you can do it again. Heard about the snow in Upstate New York. How are you guys doing up there.

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Postby DonicaB » February 18th, 2007, 8:52 am

Chynna~ Hi, I'm glad you made the decision to join us here in Medi-world! You said yourself......you know MF works. It really does work.......we just have to stick with it. Some lose fast......some lose slow.........some lose somewhere in between (that's me). The thing is.........we have to stay with it.

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Hello Katie...

Postby Porky34 » February 18th, 2007, 10:50 am

katieb920 wrote:Chynna,
Welcome back. You are going to do great. You did it once you can do it again. Heard about the snow in Upstate New York. How are you guys doing up there.


Hi Katie...thank you so much for the welcome and the confidence you have in me..i'm gonna give it my ALL:+)

Well we're doing ok now, thanks for asking. It was ALOT of snow and it's still soooooo cold. Along with being overweight, i suffer from Fibromyalgia too, and the cold and Fibro just don't get along together..lol!...joints always in pain. Keeping my fingers crossed because i heard on the news we may be getting ANOTHER snowstorm..gosh!
Again thank you for the support Katie.

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Hello DonicaB...

Postby Porky34 » February 18th, 2007, 11:11 am

DonicaB wrote:Chynna~ Hi, I'm glad you made the decision to join us here in Medi-world! You said yourself......you know MF works. It really does work.......we just have to stick with it. Some lose fast......some lose slow.........some lose somewhere in between (that's me). The thing is.........we have to stay with it.

We are here if you need us. :goteam:


Hi DonicaB...yeah, i'm glad i finally made that most important decision too, and i do know it WORKS:+) I loss the weight slow last time but evenually i did reach my goal which i then sabbotaged by not going slowly enough with the transition into regular foods. This time it's gonna be different..gonna do what i'm supposed to do...lol! I truly appreciate the support I am ALREADY getting from the group..thank you. I'm starting this time with a new mind attitude to stick with it no matter what..i may need to get a little extra kick in the you know where from time to time from y'all, but overall i think i'll achieve my goal again and hopefully faster this time. I got all these clothes i need to wear this summer that still have the tags on them...lol!
Thanks again DonicaB:+)

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Postby katieb920 » February 18th, 2007, 2:03 pm

Another snow storm. YUCK Make sure you have alot of the wonderful Hot chocolate (medifast) This is my absolute favorite. I have been cold ever since I started This diet. My husband yells at me because there are 7 blankets on our bed. This coming week it is suppose to be 60 degrees can you believe that. And I live in Jersey.

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Hi Katie...

Postby Porky34 » February 18th, 2007, 5:18 pm

katieb920 wrote:Another snow storm. YUCK Make sure you have alot of the wonderful Hot chocolate (medifast) This is my absolute favorite. I have been cold ever since I started This diet. My husband yells at me because there are 7 blankets on our bed. This coming week it is suppose to be 60 degrees can you believe that. And I live in Jersey.


LOL, 7 blankets??...i just have my one little ole electric blanket. Ya know what, now that you mentioned it, i was "cold" most of the time while i was on this diet toooo...wonder why that is? I didn't have good luck with the Hot Chocolate, and i LOVE hot chocolate...maybe i wasn't making it right or something, but i'd get all these lumps in it and would have to skim all that off before i could drink it...i even put it in my Magic Bullet before microwaving and that didn't help either.(sigh)
How do you fix yours?

I'm about 4 hours away from New Jersey i believe...i know i'm 6 hours away from Atlantic City from where i live...sure wiish it was gonna be 60 degrees here this week...lol!
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