by Nancy » November 6th, 2005, 11:13 pm
Michelle ~
Good for you for resisting - you looked for the way of escape promised to you and you did not let temptation win over you!
I used to get really hungry on Sundays, too and stretched my meals out way too far apart and then become a Starvin' Marvin. Now my Sunday looks like this: I have oatmeal at 7:00 AM, a cup of coffee on our way to church at 9:30 and then drink a RTD just before going into the service about 10:15 AM. Sometimes I unwrap a bar and cut it up into small pieces and keep them in a ziplok baggy. If needed, I quietly have a few small pieces of bar. There are many people who have diabetes or other health conditions that require them to take some medication during a service and it can be done subtly if you are prepared before you go. Often we have a RTD in the car right after church on our way home.
You are doing great!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit