YOU have no idea how TRUE that is as far as I am concerned!!!!!!! (I did just get my long hair cut this past Saturday...but I still tote a white beard and jelly belly!)
Nancy-- Love it and am ready to NOT look like Mrs Clause anymore.. thanks--Martha
Ron--do you like your new haircut?? that's really all that matters and I bet you cut the beard whenever you get rid of the jelly belly(love it)--Martha
Started MF-4/18/2005 MELTING THE POUNDS AWAY!!!!!!!! 267.5/189.5/130
Maybe we ought to consider trimming your chinny chin chin hairs and you will look more like Mrs. Santa, Debbie. I am confident that you will soon look like a svelte elf and be a tiny slip of your self. You can do it - you are already doing it!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels... The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous Nancy Pettit 267/130