Diet Coke -- with SPLENDA!!!!!

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Diet Coke -- with SPLENDA!!!!!

Postby MsApril » April 30th, 2005, 5:51 pm

I FINALLY found it! it is GREAT!! It doesn't taste exactly like Diet Coke, tastes more like Diet Pepsi. I am excited about this new product becasue I am very sensative to aspertame/Nutrasweet-- i used to drink over 160 ounces of Diet Coke a day ( yes you read that right 160 !!! ) and had to stop due to health reasons.

Diet Rite is good but it is not Diet Coke. I read a study recently that showed that people react to the SIGHT of a diet coke/coke can with the same area of the brain that processes nostalgia/possitive emotions. They do NOT respond to the taste that way-- moral of the story-- if it tempts you DONT LOOK AT IT !!! it triggers an EMOTIONAL edorphine/hormone response that is hard to resist.
Ms April in Arkansas
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Postby dlr2424 » May 1st, 2005, 9:03 am

Ms April............160 oz od Diet Coke a day??????????? :shock: if you could cut that down to 16 oz a day and replace the rest with water that flabbage will be flushing out of that body in rocket speeds.......... :drive:............however I am very happy for you that you have found DC with splenda........ :D
keep shakin.....Donna...dlr2424

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Postby fatBgone » May 1st, 2005, 11:48 am

Ms April....
I just thought I would let you know that as soon as you get your Medifast and start using it, you're cravings for Diet Coke will probably diminish alot - if not all! I also used to drink Diet Coke all day (never water or anything else - but I didn't have 160 oz...that's hard to beat - but probably about 60 oz a day for me). Anyway, the first few days on Medifast I wanted to just drink water and see how that went. Then on about the 3rd or 4th day, I opened a diet coke and just about spit it out because is was so incredibly sweet and syrupy - I couldn't even tolerate it. And, now, I've had the same 6 pack of diet cokes in my fridge for about 6 weeks now & there's still 4 left!! I just can't even believe it. A couple of times when I've gone out to eat for my lean/green meal, I'll order a diet coke, and I didn't like it there either. I thought having it "fountain" style would be better, but I just don't like it anymore. I've heard that happens to alot of I'm guessing it might happen to you too.

What I do like rather than plain water is the fruit flavored waters (not the sparkling kind). They have no calories, sugar, etc...but they have spenda. Nestle makes the best one in my opinion, because they taste the best and only have 10 mg of sodium. Aquafina has one, but it has 65 mg of sodium and Fruit2O is another one, but I don't know about the sodium content because I don't even buy them....they taste metallicy to me. But, even the flavored waters are sweeter than I like, so I always take an empty bottle, pour 1/2 of my new bottle in there and then fill both bottles with my water dispenser from my fridge. It's just enough flavor to be delicious!! Try'll like em!!

Well, I'm curious to know about your taste for diet be sure and let me know after you get started!!
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there is hope :-)

Postby MsApril » May 1st, 2005, 2:02 pm

There is hope-- if any thing can take that addiction away i would count it as a minor miracle !!!! :cheers:

I am very anxious to get my stuff. already I have been asking myself ( in my head 'cus i have found when i talk out loud to myself people look at me strange :oops: ) "okay -- if you were on the plan how would you handle this social situation?" like today in Sunday school everyone was eating cake and 4-5 different people offered me a piece, i got a diet Coke :buddies: and held it the whole time and when they asked i said "Thanks but i have everything I need right here -- " cheers :guzzle: they laughed and went on.

I think that will be the hardest- those social situations where every one is eatting-- so i am practicing in my head to try and prepare myself for when it happens.

Thanks in advance for all the support i know you guys will give me
Ms April in Arkansas
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Postby DonicaB » May 3rd, 2005, 9:00 am

April ~ sorry I hadn't noticed your question before. Social situations can be tough. In my SS class on Sunday they had a carry in breakfast. OH man did it look good. :bib: They had every breakfast food I love. I did not even walk close to the food tables. Several people tried to get me to eat and I just said, I forgot and already had breakfast, but thank you anyway. :uhuh:

It is hard in social situations to stay on plan. I just read something last night about this in "Life is Hard, Food is Easy". She said not to think of it as depriving yourself of food, instead think of what you are depriving yourself of by eating the food. For example, if I eat too much and continue to gain weight, I am depriving myself of enjoying being with others. You see I am always so concerned about how FAT I look that I don't enjoy myself. So saying NO to food and YES :yes: to life seems so much better.

I want to live.......... I want to be happy with myself for a change..........I want to be able to go out and not be paranoid that people are starring. :shock:

You can do it April, and it's good to prepare yourself ahead of time. Know what you are going to say and stick to it.

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Postby bk » May 3rd, 2005, 12:58 pm

y'all can take my diet coke out of my cold, dead hands :)

i'm definitely drinking less, but my taste for them has not diminished. however, the effects of the caffeine are much more pronounced and i have to quit drinking them well in advance of bedtime.

but, egads, 160 oz?!?! sheesh. talk about WIRED!!!! :)
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Postby Nancy » May 3rd, 2005, 1:57 pm

MsApril ~

You DO take the cake , er.. French Vanilla Shake for drinking the most Diet Croak.

I am being totally serious here - doesn't it stain your teeth? :shock:

Thank you for the latest news regarding DC and Splenda - I might be able to tolerate some of that once in a while.

Best wishes to your success, MsApril. I doubt that you will need to drink that much Croak as time goes by. :mrgreen:
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Postby DonicaB » May 3rd, 2005, 2:04 pm

bk wrote:y'all can take my diet coke out of my cold, dead hands :)

Too funny BK, too funny! :roflmao: :roflmao:

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