Diet Coke -- with SPLENDA!!!!!

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Diet Coke -- with SPLENDA!!!!!

Postby MsApril » April 30th, 2005, 3:59 pm

Cheers ! :buddies: I just had a new DIET COKE WITH SPLENDA. It was yummy. I have been waiting for this marvelousw new product as i am VERY sensative to Nutrasweet/aspertame. It is like regualr Coke can but the diet coke "swoosh" is Splenda yellow.

BTW I am new here- I have ordered the starter kit and 3 sample packs so i can find what i like. I have lost 100 pounds before on FIRST PLACE ( a Christ based program ) but cant find a group i like here in Arkansas. A lady at work just started this so i thought i would give it a try.

Want to give a word of encouragement to all of you out there-- it is possible to loss 100 + pounds !! DON'T GIVE UP- and dont beat your self up for past failures- Every day is new!

would love to hear from ya'll
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Postby want2Bthin » April 30th, 2005, 4:16 pm


I'll have to look for that Diet Coke. I use Splenda for everything. I drink Pepsi One with splenda now- it has 1 calorie and 0 carbs. I prefer Diet Coke so this is good news.

Welcome to the forum. All the people here are great.

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Postby dlr2424 » April 30th, 2005, 5:03 pm

Ms April............welcome ... :wavie: ....I'm so glad you are joining us.......... :yes: .........FIRST PLACE.... :hmmm: ......never heard of it...........however...congratulations on the 100 lb loss............ :bouncie: ...that is awesome...... :yeah: ....and as far as your other program being Christ based.....I have to say.......there isn't a day I'm on this forum that Christ doesn't reveal himself thru the wonderful people on I hope you also find many blessings here........... :angel: ....looking forward to sharing your success.

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Postby kassilou » April 30th, 2005, 5:57 pm

Welcome, Ms. April! So glad you found us. Wow, you have already lost 100#! That is wonderful! You must feel great! MF will certainly help you make it the rest of the way. Be sure to check out the Lean Cuisine section of the boards for ideas on how to "spice up" the supplements. I like to add various Davinci syrups to my shakes to get different flavor combinations. Be sure to get enough water each day, too. :water:
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Postby DonicaB » April 30th, 2005, 6:30 pm

Welcome MsApril!!!!! We are so glad you decided to join us and thank you for the encouraging words. 100# is fabulous. I'm sure we could all learn a thing or two from you.

I'm excited to hear about the diet coke made with splenda. I prefer splenda but would like to know more about it as far as health risks are concerned. I try to stay away from equal, nutrisweet and aspartame if at all possible. I just can't help believe that that stuff is a cancer causing agent. I have reasons for those beliefs but there is not enough time now to explain them. ( and you don't want to be bored with the details)

Anyway, we are so glad to have you. God Bless.

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left handed molecule

Postby MsApril » April 30th, 2005, 7:15 pm

I had the same concerns years ago and did alot of research- to the best of my understanding it is safe because it (SPLENDA) is not absorbed by the body and passes right through never reaching the blood stream. The body is designed to accept "right handed " molecules of sugar-- this referres to how the molecule is arranged in space.. splenda is a "left handed " molecule, or in an easier way to understrand it is like a MIrror image of sugar-- why it has some of the same properties, but the human body is not able to aborb it-- kinda like if you tried to put a key in a lock upside down-- it is the right key but not oriented the correct way so it will not fit the lock. When I did my research a few years ago it was said to be safe for pregnant and nursing mothers as it was not absorbed and does not pass thru breast milk--

I agree on the nutrasweet issue-- i believe i have an allergy/intolerance/sensativeity to it that has caused neurological damage for me-- mimics MS. Not to say i think this would happen to everyone-- like not every one has a peanut or strawberry allergy- but for those who do it can be deadly.
Ms April in Arkansas
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Postby doglover » May 1st, 2005, 6:00 am

I wanted to add my welcome here MsApril! I'm so glad you joined us! I can already see your bubbly personality shining right thru on the few posts you've made and I love it!

Welcome, welcome!
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Postby DonicaB » May 1st, 2005, 6:56 am

Wow April, you have done some research. Thank you for sharing that. I feel much better knowing that information. My mom got brain cancer in 1993 and died in 1994. She had always used Sacchrine (sp?), equal, sweet & low, etc. on her diet (WW) and in my mind I believed that all of those years of using that stuff led to her brain cancer. I had no proof to support those beliefs, it was just how I felt about it. Therefore, I have tried to use Splenda because I had heard it was SAFE but never really knew why it was considered SAFE.

Again, thank you for sharing your research. YOU"RE GREAT. :stroll:

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Thanks for warm welcome

Postby MsApril » May 1st, 2005, 1:53 pm

Thanks everyone for your warm welcome--

As you might be albe to tell- i Love to do research- if you ever have a question just ask and i will look it up for you-- gives me an ex cuse to surf the net--

have blessed and glorious day one and all !!
Ms April in Arkansas
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splenda is the new rage!

Postby » August 18th, 2005, 9:10 pm

I want to start drinking diet coke with splenda but it tastes to icky. I am afraid to drink anymore aspartame since I have lost most of my hair and I am told this is one of the terrible things aspartame does besides kill ya.I have always had long thick blonde hair since I was a young girl and now it is so thin I hardly have any left and this has gotten this way in the last two years. I a lot of articles that said aspartame causes balding and hair loss and thinning, my 16 year old grand daughter lost most of her hair too and she quit drinking diet coke and her hair is filled all back in. this aspartame is wicked stuff. besides making us bald it can give us brain cancer among many other kinds of cancer. I am so thirsty for some diet coke but I will never drink it again. I might try the new pepsi one with splenda they say it tastes like diet coke. thanks so much for listening. bye bye Dee[/b]
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