Ya know, I read all of that. I find it so interesting how some people NEVER cheat and others really struggle. We are all made up differently and deal with things differently.
I have fallen off the wagon many times in the past 3 months. What I am learning is to get back on. In the past I would have just given up and quit all together or binged for a week. I told my sister last week that if I could learn one thing it would be that if I do go off plan ( I don't even like to call it cheating, it's life, it happens) I want to learn to get right back on and so far that is what I am doing.
It has affected my weight lose, but I have come to terms with it...I am STILL LOSING as Jenn pointed out!

(thanks Jenn)
Is it smart to go off plan and eat what you WANT? NO! You will feel guilt and regreat but it's time to stop beating ourselves up and move on. Leave it in the past and don't think about it again.
Finally, did I read somewhere else that you are not going to be able to afford this program after your kids start Day Care? I thought that was you...
Well those are my two cents...
Your doing great, keep it up!
(pizza called my name last week for 3 days and I didn't give in, I did however eat other stuff that I should not have because I couldn't get to the pizza...not smart

BUT I'm over it!

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Start Weight 326.7 ~ My short term goal will put me at 250!
Started June 19th 2008. First Mini Goal 76.7 pounds.