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Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Postby jump4joy » July 25th, 2006, 9:24 pm

Sweet Jo, I didn't think you were "bashing" anyone in any of your posts. I, for one, wasn't offended by anything you said, nor do I disagree. I hope you weren't offended by anything I said. I just thought we were all having a rousing discussion.....clearing the air, so to speak. I just wanted to share some of my thoughts about this. I hate it when I go off-plan, and I'm always striving to always be compliant.....it's just hard sometimes and life gets in the way. I didn't say this before, but if I could change this subject title to my liking, it would be, "I had a lapse, and I do regret it". I don't think Medifast is a program that a person just "tries" to do....it takes a serious committment.

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Postby SharonR » July 25th, 2006, 10:23 pm

and Again I agree with you Joy. I never said I liked going off plan either, I did say I have regreats and guilt. ANYWAY... I feel like this...:deadhorse:

As a good friend wrote in her journal. It's all in a persons tone. We are not face to face, we can't see or hear emotions. As good as these emoticons are... ;) if doesn't take the place of a real conversation. Things can be taken the wrong way.

How about all us MFer's get along! hehe...how's that Unca?!?!
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Postby sheila » July 25th, 2006, 10:57 pm

Well good for you girl! I had a 6 inch tuna sub on wheat from Subway today...AND IT WAS GOOOOOD too! But I am also having wine and chips right now too. I am a little drunk right now, so forgive me if I sound, well, like that. Am I going to reget any of it tomorrow? Nope. okay , well maybe the wine. And that is just because I have been trying to live for the Lord. It can be hard though. Especially when your husband is being a , well, I wont say.9Not I am NOT calling the man hubby, as I usually refer to him.) That seems more like a pet name and right now, when I think of him, I think of a____! The devil might have me drinkin, but I aint gonna let him make me curse! Not on here anyways. We were arguing on the phone and he hung up on me 2 hrs ago, I am NOT calling him back. Sorry for putting all my personal junk out there, but I am not sorry for having subway! :lol:
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Postby Unca_Tim » July 26th, 2006, 12:56 am

I didn't notice anyone bashing anyone directly in this thread, and it's still alive and very well. (and one of the best threads i've seen in a while, i must say)

I think the whole point of the thread is that we're all very unique individuals. Some by the book, some tweaking it a bit for thier own personal reasons and satisfaction and some WAY out in left field. That's what makes us all unique. As long as we continue to grow and move towards our goal, I can't see where any of us are "right or wrong". We're just on slightly different paths.

Just harvest the little morsels that make sense to you at the moment. Make it your own. Tweak it later if you have to. Just stay positive and keep moving toward your goal. If you go backwards a little, put er back in gear and move ahead again. I don't care what you attempt, if you keep trying you'll get there.
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Postby Serendipity » July 26th, 2006, 4:23 am

Unca_Tim wrote:Just harvest the little morsels that make sense to you at the moment.

Great advice! Thanks, Unca. Oh, and don't worry, everyone, I have thick skin. :mrgreen:
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Postby SharonR » July 26th, 2006, 7:00 am

Hmm I wonder how Shelia is feeling this morning...

Thanks Unca, I'm glad you see it that way.
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Postby MISSANNE » July 26th, 2006, 11:41 am

I agree with Unca, I think this is one of the best threads I have read in awhile. I love reading everyones different opinions and responses. I don't post much but I read on here everyday.

Everyone is different.
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Postby jump4joy » July 26th, 2006, 12:51 pm

I enjoyed this thread too. I hope that we can continue to share and enjoy each others' differing opinions! Much of what I said about all-or-nothing thnking was directed at myself in that I've suffered from this "do it right, or don't do it at all" black and white thinking for too many years. That's partly why I was stuck in Restart Hell for the past three years, and I believe my perfectionism is a big reason I keep gaining my weight back. It's only been because I've begun to allow myself room for error and the occasional imperfection that I've been able to make any progress at all. It's been a huge breakthrough for me to allow myself to be a little more flexible and step into that small grey area that Linda Spangle talks about in her book. I'm trying and working so hard to not repeat my past mistakes and get rid of some stinkin' thinkin'! I shared this in the hopes that if others' see themselves falling into this trap, that perhaps what I'm learning about it will be helpful to others in their individual journeys.

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Postby Aerie » July 26th, 2006, 4:30 pm

Well one thing is for sure everyone has strong opinions about their "version" of doing MF.

My personal feeling is this. Life happens to you once you don't get a second chance to do it over. The trick is to get as much joy out of it as you can. You can't do MF locked in a closet. If NEVER going off plan causes you discomfort then you have to learn to manage "off plan" eating. If you "off plan" eat then you have to deal with any consequences that may arrive. That is called managing your weight loss. Yes of course off plan eating can be an extremely slippery slope but here's the thing: When you reach goal you've got to learn to manage real food again anyways. If staying 100% compliant is what works for you than that is exactly what you should do. You'll learn your "real" food management when you get to maintenance.

Who loses faster? Compliants or rule benders? I have no opinion.

I'm fearful when I here guilt associated with cheating because it reminds me of this fat thinker's phillosophy. "Well I took a bite of that cookie, I'm so fat, I'll start tomorrow. Now I'm going to eat the entire bag of cookies."

That's why I started the MediSins Confessional Thread.

Well guess what? The "thin" people out there in the world eat cookies. They are just very adept at managing their eating. Of course it's easier for some than others (lucky bast*^%ds) but life's not fair and you work with the tools you got.

I'm not advocating cheating just sanity. In my personal MF journey I am really very compliant except for the pickles :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: and an extra cup of coffee once in a while. In order to stay on this program for what I believe will be about 10-12 months, manage my hospital, and run my crazy schedule I need my pickles and my coffee. I'd be unhappy without them so I chose to eat them. Yes I know pickles and coffee are pretty benign but you could apply the same survival technique to many foods. Okay well maybe not oreo cookie ice cream but you get my drift.

If your program works for you AND the scale is moving AND you feel good AND you're able to keep your sanity then you're winning the battle!
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Postby caligirl » July 26th, 2006, 4:44 pm

drmjwdvm wrote:The "thin" people out there in the world eat cookies. They are just very adept at managing their eating... If your program works for you AND the scale is moving AND you feel good AND you're able to keep your sanity then you're winning the battle!

I couldn't have said it better myself!!!
Thank you all for sharing the myriad ways we can reach our goals with MF as individuals. I've gone off plan (1 item each time, not whole days) just twice, and both times, I saw a 3 day stall afterward. And I'm only in my 3rd week. I'm glad I did partake when the situations arose, otherwise I'd have thrown the baby out with the bath water and said forget the whold thing. It's nice to see I'm not alone in this. On the other hand, the consequences sting a bit. I've definitely learned that nothing is as yummy as waking up to a loss on the scale.

But sometimes we are curious creatures, and try experiments!

I'm convinced that if I follow MF to a "T" is will be the quickest road to my weight loss goal, so I'm going to do my best. I will get to maintenance soon enough, and then I can re-educate myself on eating healthy. After all, I want to be fit, and say good-bye to my excuses. My most common psychological "trick" is: "I'm worth it, I can have a bit" inherited from my well-intentioned mom who soothed with food. I'm getting over it though. That was the thinking that made me obese. I'm realizing that I'm "worth" being healthy, fit, attractive, and comfortably self assured.

Why was this so hard to see before?

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Postby Lady Bug » July 26th, 2006, 7:39 pm

Let me say this about that....... :roflmao:

Way back on Oct 21, 1989 through Jan 17, 1990.... I drank nothing but Medifast shakes. (With the exception of a pickle on Christmas day). I went on Medifast with a friend and lost over 45 lbs. (I don't remember) At that time, it was through a doctor (weekly weigh in with the nurse & picked up the packets of food) then when I reached goal..... See ya!!!! I did keep it off for 2 years....then slowly gained it back.

Now, it's the same concept with the same name.....but it is sooooo much better...this forum is the best and such support daily from real people!!!!! Plus real L&G WOW!!! :shock:

BUT.....there's a catch!!! Don't listen to your mind when it goes overtime and tells you that all the other forbidden food is better and to forget the Medifast because when you come to your senses ..... let me tell you ........ RESTARTING is NO FUN!!!! I started a year ago, I lost the weight sort of slow (cheated more times then I want to admit) and one morning woke up and said no more. I kept this insane frame of mind for 3 months. Every now and then, I would want to start again and did for about 1/4 way thru the day and then said I would start tomorrow. Then ate and ate. I was miserable.

Well, I'm back on Medifast and so glad cuz this IS the way to go. I have been very, very good and have lost. I know the pay off is so worth it. Better health, a lot more self confidence and the compliments are wonderful!!!!!!!!

I feel good!!!

Thanks for listening and keep up the good work. ;)

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Postby sheila » July 26th, 2006, 8:28 pm

Feelin ok. :oops:
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Postby TheShadow » July 27th, 2006, 8:50 am

Sheila, glad to hear it. Don't be :oops: . You're back and ready to start again, that's all that matters.
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Postby TonyR » August 3rd, 2006, 7:38 pm

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