Diary of a first day....

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Diary of a first day....

Postby Kimbob » December 10th, 2003, 12:07 pm

Thought I might subject you all tortuously to my journaling obsession by sharing my journal of the first day on medifast. Hopefully you might find a chuckle or two in it....

The night before my great medifast quest, I decided to load up on carbs since it would be a while before I saw them again. Carbs have always been my favorite sin - keep your icecream and chocolate, people, and give me PASTA! (OK, that and cheese. I'll confess). So I made spaghetti (hardly a gourmet classic, but I was going for comfort food here!). A bottle of wine was also necessary for my "farewell to food" feast.

I'll spare you the details, but needless to say I spent the entire night feeling bloated, acidy, and sick as a dog. The supply of Tums at my bedside slowly dwindled as the moon took leave of the sky and the sun started poking his annoyingly bright face into my window. I woke up with a food-and-wine hangover and realized this was probably the perfect way to start. No way was I going to miss food today! :)

I decided to have my first shake unadulterated and make in the shaker jar, just to get a feel for what I was in for. Swiss Mocha - shake it up - voila!

OK, it took about three seconds to run back to the freezer to add ice. The shakes aren't bad - pretty good for what they are, actually, but the colder the better! I was shocked at how filling the thing was, and really had to force myself to have my second suppliment three hours later.

The next supplement. That's when I learned my first valuable lesson in Medifast. If you haven't learned it yet, please gain from this experience.

The Minestrone soup is...

in a word...



Vaguely reminiscent of vomit.

My apologies to those who love it. I simply can't be one of them!

My stomach finally stopped queasing three hours later and I decided to up the ante on the taste of this program. I learned from the boards that diet soda can be mixed with the shakes - so here comes 1 can of diet, caffeine-free coke with the vanilla shake mixed with ice in a blender.

Now THIS is fasting! Woo hoo! Yummy, filling, beautiful. Sip slowly, and treasure the frothy, belly-filling yumminess. It lasted over half an hour as the ice slowly melted. Robert Verdi from Suprise by Design danced across my screen with a feather lampshade on his head and all was well with the word.

(Did I mention I was home sick with a cold? Oh yeah. This only added to the powerful "ick" feeling I had from my pasta-gorge the night before. I really wouldn't recommend this to viewers at home).

I barely felt like I blinked and it was time for dinner. My spousal-equivalent (It's hard to call a 46 year old man a "boy"friend, and love-toy seems a little inappropriate for these boards) fixes me my modified-plan dinner of fish and green beans. He's very supportive about this endeavor, but he does all the cooking and his mother used to work in the restaurant industry as a MENU PLANNER, no less, so it was very hard to get him to understand the idea of 3-4 ounces of fish. Half my portion landed back onto his own plate, and I'll have to work hard to remind him that cleaning your plate does not equal love. Ugh. Some guys are so SENSITIVE! ;) The green beans were measured appropriately, but I needed to explain him that the "I can't believe it's not butter spray" does not actually make the beans "plain." (His idea of green beans involves slivered, toasted almonds sauteed in garlic and butter and tossed with the beans. Go figure. Gee - where did all this extra weight come from? :lol:) Fortunately, the spray has zero fat, zero cholesterol, zero carbs, and zero calories. Heck, it's not even really food as far as I can tell. Anyway, it FELT like cheating - so if anyone else out there has any recommendations on the spray, please let me know.

Three hours later... and I have to eat AGAIN? My god. OK, this time we're going hard core. Some chocolate shake, a bit of instand coffee crystals, ice, blender (that ice and blender combo is soon to be my best friends, aint it?) and I'm in frothy mocha-cappucino heaven.

Between the water and the shakes, I went to bed feeling almost as full as I did the night before, only without that gassy, acidy, reaching-for-tums all night feeling.

Hmmm... Dear Diary... maybe I can do this thing!

Kimbob the Hopeful
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Postby Donna501 » December 10th, 2003, 1:13 pm

You know I must say, I loved your story.. You had me rolling. But i can tell you about the soups, two things to keep in mind. 1) Bouillon!!!!!! I add it to the soup, not only do you get a little more, but you get a better flavor. 2) SALSA!! It makes it have more flavor and you get chunks too. Everyday at work I have beef bouillon (1cup) and 1 TBS of salsa. Just like veggie soup. It fills me up. Taste great. Now I never was a salsa lover, but now I have even started making my own. My co-workers are use to it now, but I did get the looks and the comments. But hey if I have to do silly stuff like that to make the "D" better for me and make me want to stay on it, then this is what I will do. I started on Oct 11,2003 and as of today I have lost 45lbs. So the salsa thing is working out. Some days I have not been as devoted as I should. I know I could have lost alot more if I would of been 100% true. But I have not but I still feel great about what I have lost. My goal is to get down to 160. I started at 235. I never gave myself a time frame. I just figured when I got there is when I got there. I have always set goals and never made them and then got depressed because I did not make it. Not anymore. I will get there so I am not worried.

Have a great shakin day!!
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Postby Kimbob » December 10th, 2003, 1:47 pm

Thanks for the response!

Salsa - huh? Sounds too good to be true! I'm a salsa-holic - but I was afraid it was a bg no no.

Today I discovered the joy of boullion - sigh. Ambrosia of the gods.

Kimbob the Satisfied
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Postby Jeanette » December 10th, 2003, 2:45 pm

Hey Kimbob:

Try letting the minestrone soup (and the chili, too) sit for a bit after cooking it. Once the water absorbs into the mix, it is MUCH better. If I need a little extra spice, I add a little extra water and either boullion OR a fast soup packet (depends on my mood).

Experiment, and have fun!!
Jeanette :star:
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