by jules, Guest » May 1st, 2006, 1:04 pm
It does appear that way.....however, I can't speak for the entire diabetic community....only my continuing journey with Medifast now at day #210....I did take a break for a "real dinner" with my husband on day #208. Before I proceed I want to be clear that this diet was approved by my diabetic physician before I began and my other physicians and that I see them on a regular three/four month basis. I started on October 4, 2005 and had my first "Medifast" weigh-in on February 28, 2006. The weight loss was 25 pounds. I was disheartened, but didn't expect I'd loss a mass of weight like the other folks on this message board. My doctor was pleased with the slower loss and told me to be "grateful" even though I was discouraged. I felt better and my lab numbers were much better. My doctor encouraged me to continue and I have. Today is May 1, 2006 and I'm looking at another doctor's appointment in June. If you read the diabetic research with Medifast, it will give you some concrete facts. Your doctor's blessing and your dedication to lose weight are two key factors to success on this Medifast diet. I decided that I would be better weighing at my doctor's appointments, as I get discouraged when I hit plateaus. You have done a wonderful job with a new baby and a toddler. Congratulations and best wishes for your continued success.