diabetic and want to do full fast

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diabetic and want to do full fast

Postby candy » February 16th, 2004, 9:40 am

hello all on the forum, i am a diabetic and have been for 14yrs, i am insulin dependent and got it during my pregnancy, which after i gave birth it never went away (runs rampant on my fathers side as well as being overweight), anyway i want to start the full fast program but i m not sure if i can do that because of the disease. I weigh 320 and am 5'9 so i really need to get the weight off, dont have any health care so am not able to see a doctor, dont qualify for medicaid, or any of the government health programs so i have been treating myself u know over the counter purchases and self testing and i know my insides r probably a wreck, anyways i am going to be ordering the products in a few days, when i spoke to a few health advisors they recommended me to not do the program until i get some testing done but i cant afford it. I just needed to get this out in the open and maybe get some feedback to help me to deal with what i m going through. I read the forum on a daily basis and havent seen any other program that seems to have the support system that u guys have. I think u r the greatest u know with the support and advice u give. So anyways take care.
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Postby moutoncove » February 16th, 2004, 10:35 am

Hi Candy,

Welcome to our forum. This is the greatest place for support, encouragement and some kick a____ when you need it. When you say you're insulin dependant do you mean you have to take insulin shots everyday? I would have to agree with the health advisor - to check with a doctor and get tests done. Have you ever been tested in the 14 years you've had it? Diabetes can be very dangerous if you don't get the right treatment and shouldn't be something to take lightly. Is there any free clinics around where you live that could help you?

Glad to have you on board.

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Insulin-dependant, also

Postby granolagirl » February 16th, 2004, 7:56 pm

Hi Candy,
I know how crappy it can be when you are trying to take care of your diabetes and you don't have all the resources you need. I ran into that situation a few years ago and did what I could to cut corners. Since many of the things I did (like reusing my own needles) are NOT recommended, I don't want to get into that...BUT...there are a lot of things nowadays that you can use for information without spending a ton at the doctor.

How are your daily blood sugars? Are they in the normal range? Do you use a lot of insulin? There are Hemaglobin A1C tests available over the counter these days and you can do your own blood test to see how your control has been over the last 3 months (average). If it isn't at a good range, you need to find someway to get it there BEFORE trying this diet. The reason the advisor (and I have to agree) and other people want you to work with a doctor, is that your need for insulin is going to decrease significantly.

I am not a doctor, and only speak from experience. My long acting insuling needs aren't too different than before (and I am doing the modified diet). But my regular/lispro/humalog insulin needs have decreased tremendously. You have to do this slowly, and I think you could be in great DANGER of a hypoglycemic reaction if you do the full fast.

There is a Dr. Imboden that works with a lot of diabetics. He is a collegue of my advisor. Try e-mailing Greg, and he might be able to get you in touch with Dr. Imboden. That would be much safer and better for you than going it alone. <snip>Edited by Unca (Please PM email addresses)</snip>

Good luck to you. I know it is even harder to do this when you have a chronic, metabolic disease, but once you get squared away medically, you should have great success.

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NIH ACCORD Study - Diabetes Treatment at No Charge

Postby Maisie » February 17th, 2004, 3:30 pm

Dear Candy:

I saw in my newspaper today that the university here is seeking candidates with Type 2 Diabetes for a study that is sponsored by the National Institute of Health. I don't know if gestational diabetes is Type 1 or 2 but this study is being carried on at 70 clinics around the country. If nothing else, maybe they can refer you where you can get some free help.

The study includes diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol medications
at no charge and Blood Sugar test supplies at no charge also. Also, regular medical follow up and counseling and education.

If you go into a search engine and type in NIH ACCORD Study, you will find all the links and contact information. Hope this helps.

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Postby Unca_Tim » February 17th, 2004, 4:18 pm

Hi Candy and welcome to the Forum,
Medifast has had very good results for diabetics. You can follow this link to the most recent study:

In an 8 year study, it was found that 100% of Type 2 diabetes patients were able to completely eliminate their oral medications, 87% were able to discontinue insulin and 10% were able to decrease their insulin dose.

As a diabetic, you cannot do the full fast. The "Modified" plan is recommended for diabetics.

Without more info and history on your condition, it's hard to add much more at this time.

It would be best if you would contact Terry at the 800 number above and he can discuss which plan and products would suit you best.

All the best,
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Postby candy » February 17th, 2004, 8:33 pm

thank u all for all the advice and support u have offered. I will be sure to check out that website from maisie and will get in touch with terry and try to make contact with someone who can put me in touch with the dr that was mentioned. I have not ordered as of yet but i am still planning on it. I will also do the modified bcuz its better for me so once again thanks to u all
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Candy - Modified Program

Postby Maisie » February 18th, 2004, 5:42 am

Great. I hope you will joint us on the forum and let us know how you are doing. I think it will be a great help to you. I know it is for me.

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Postby Nancy » February 18th, 2004, 9:42 am

Hi, Candy (What an interesting name for a diabetic, eh?)

I love this Forum because there are so many helpful people out there in cyberland. What a country we live in, eh?

Yep, you really truly pock-a-dooly need to see a physician because once you begin on Medifast, your blood sugar level will begin to normalize and it will definitely affect your insulin needs.

We were at a meeting just last night regarding a Diabetic Expo that Terry and I will be attending this weekend in Portland, Oregon. People with diabetes often monitor their blood sugar levels two hours after every meal. For some people, this is more frequently than they have monitored before.

You may NOT do the full fast - modified WITH doc's monitoring!

May I make a notation that the modified (also known as the Five and One Plan) is wonderful! People lose weight quickly and safely - there is really nothing heroic about doing the Complete Plan over the Modified Plan. Honest. The Johns Hopkins Studies are based on the Modified Plan. Had I been actively involved with a HA in the beginning stages, I would have done it initially. Just didn't know.

CANDY, SEE YOUR DOC - we have several wonderful meal plans depending upon the amount of calories your doc suggests for you. I know that you will be able to lose the excess weight that is plaguing you and improve the quality if your health and life!
Last edited by Nancy on February 22nd, 2004, 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Being Diabetic

Postby txqueenbee42 » February 22nd, 2004, 5:53 pm

Candy, I am diabetic but I am Type 2 and I couldn't do the full fast method. I use the 5 and 1 lean meal and I have lost 33.5 lbs since January 22 and I am so impressed and people on my job is noticing a change in my appearance! I hope you the best with getting the care you need! Are there any free clinic where you are located because they might give you a blood sugar test for free? Wish you success in your endeavors!
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Postby Nancy » February 22nd, 2004, 8:03 pm

Dear Texas Queen Bee ~

Woo Hoo for you! Thank you so much for your encouragement to Candy. My husband Terry and I attended a Diabetic Expo yesterday in Portland and we learned so much as well as gave presentations myself.

A recent report released in December 2003 from Johns Hopkins University indicates Medifast has better results for diabetics than the ADA meal plans.

I hope that you can find some help in your area. we want to see you get and stay healthy!
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