Uh, oh! I detected the 'D' Word...

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Uh, oh! I detected the 'D' Word...

Postby Nancy » December 2nd, 2003, 10:27 pm

Hello, Amy and other Newbies ~

Welcome to Ketosisland! Ahh, ketosis is such a good thing.

Those first few days of changing your eating habits and limiting your food intake ARE killer :x but once ya enter ketosis it gets easier.

Now is the time to begin talking to yourself when good food odors waft down the hallway and into your nasies.

Remember, you’ve tasted those foods before. They will not become extinct next week. They aren’t goin’ anywhere soon.

They will still be around when you reach your goal weight and you can have them any old time.

You are simply choosing to NOT have them right now, just for this period of time you are eating only certain selected items (like the ones that come in mylar wrappers or little foil lined paper packets and served in plastic shaker jars!).

Yikes, ParrotMom ~ we may have to whip you with a limp celery stalk for using The ‘D’ Word in one of your posts. :whip:

We at http://www.MakeMeThinner.com avoid using the ‘D’ word around here. The first three letters of diet spells D-I-E. :angel: Gulp....we don't wanna do that yet!

We are learning how much to eat, how often to eat and what to eat. We are learning how to manage our weight and we are learning how to do it for life. This is the LAST weight loss program we ever have to go on IF we follow the plan.

I love :heart: it that our products and shake packets are portion controlled. Believe me, I REALLY needed that and still appreciate it to this day. When I weighed 258 pounds, my idea of an “average” portion size was really whacked out of proportion due to the humongous servings presented by most restaurants.

You know how it is when ya pull up to the Talking Box to place an order at the neighboring Fat, er…Fast Food Drive Thru. :drive: THE VOICE in the box is always encouraging us to Biggy Size it, Super Size it or Big Gulp it.

Portion upgrades live forever on our hips and that flab encases our important organs, too - our heart and kidneys…

You are learning how often to eat now – every three to four hours is what the body needs and you have carefully laid out your daily food allotment. ParrotMom, you are making your body happy :D because you are feeding it healthy, well balanced medical food. All the nutrition you need is in those beautiful little packets so be sure to take them all – no meal skipping, Amy or we’ll have to give you a noogie on your noggin.

You’re feeling better already – yabba dabba doo! :boing: You will easily reach your goal :thumbsup: this spring if ya carefully follow the plan.

I lost 59 pounds in three months. I loved the day I stepped on the scale and it measured 199 pounds. On October 7th, 2002 I kissed good-bye :wave: to the two hundreds FOREVER!

I will never ever not ever see them again and neither will all of you readers out there in Cyberland if you follow the plan.

This IS the LAST weight loss plan you ever have to go on IF you

1) follow the plan until you reach your goal
(Don’t stop short of your ideal goal weight or you won’t ever get there)

2) go through the transition plan step by step as outlined in my November 2003 Newsletter

3) follow the six maintenance steps also outlined in my November 2003 Newsletter

Take Shape For Life helped me get my life back and you will reach your goal, too, ParrotMom!

Yep, you may have three stalks of celery, a couple of dill pickles and have yourself a small salad every day, if you’d like. It is helpful to keep the old lower intestines doing their thang and a green salad or a few steamed green beans keeps things motating along, if ya get my drift... Just keep the salad dressing to a minimum and watch the carbs – many of the fat free dressings are laced with corn syrup to thicken them.

I like vinegar with a TEENSY WEENSY drizzle of olive oil on my green salads. Olive oil is a “good” kind of fat but just use a teensy bit for flavor as it is loaded with calories – try to keep your calories limited to 80 for your salad PLUS the dressing.

Celery is rather tasty with a line of mustard piped down the middle of the stalk. Enjoy! :bib:

Daily you are getting closer to your goal. One shake at a time, you are learning how to management your weight for life! You are on a health and weight management program or plan, NOT a ‘D.’ :pet:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby parrotmom » December 3rd, 2003, 3:08 pm

Aack! OK! I consider myself duly whipped with the Limp Celery Stick!

You're so right, Nancy. I fell back on using the "d" word, when I prefer WOL (Way of Life) or WOE (Way of Eating) -- they're much more positive and descriptive of the changes I'm making in my life with Medifast.

You hit the nail on the head by reminding us that the same cheeseburgers, donuts, whatever will still be around when I'm at goal and can choose to have one.

The holiday food season is in full swing in my office -- gooey Christmas cakes, candies, etc. in the break room and at people's desks. I haven't had any trouble bypassing these. :D Lotsa water and shakes every 3-4 hours and I'm good to go!

My first real challenge will be this Saturday -- our family is taking a day trip from San Diego to Los Angeles (got some free Los Angeles Kings hockey tickets). I'll be mixing my shakes on the road, and if I can get some hot water at the concession counters, I'll have my soup, too!

My next challenge will be our company Christmas lunch next week. I'm going to go on the offensive and have a shake before going to the lunch, take along another shake packet and water and shaker jar, and do the "full plate fake-out" that others talked about on the forum. If I absolutely have to nibble on something, it'll just be some celery or other veggies at the buffet.

With planning and my goal clearly in mind, I'll make it through this holiday season :thumbsup:
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